Organization User Guide
This guide gives a brief description of a Tehama organization and its purpose. It describes how to manage members and teams in an organization. It provides an overview of the organization settings interface, (various pages in the Tehama Web UI from which you can configure your organization). It describes the organization customizations that are available through Tehama Support. It also provides a list of states that an organization can be in, and tells you how to determine what state your organization is currently in.
What is an organization?
Organizations are the main account concept in Tehama. An organization is generally created by and maps to a single company.
You are invited to create a Tehama organization by Tehama Support when you first join Tehama. See Getting Started with Joining Tehama for more details.
Think of your Tehama organization as your company's home office. All your employees log into your organization to do their work, just as they would come into the office. You can manage them through the organization's interface.
The Tehama Introduction article provides an overview of an organization, what it contains and what you can do within it, in the section 'Organization and Member'.
Covered in this Guide
What you will find in this user guide:
Instructions to manage members
You can add members to or remove members from your organization; and assign them to Rooms:
Instructions to manage teams
You can place your organization's members into teams:
An overview of the organization settings interface
This series of organization setting pages is where you edit the organization details, upgrade the support plan, set an authentication method, add compliance policies for your Rooms, add custom roles for your members, among other things:
Organization customizations
You can work with Tehama Support to customize certain your organization behaviour - customize the appearance of emails generated for you by Tehama, or customize your TCU usage notification thresholds:
A list of organization statuses
Understand the various states that your organization can be in:
Organization Member Management
Managing the membership of an organization is primarily the responsibility of the Org Admin and the Org Managers. The Room Managers, who mostly take care of the Rooms they are members of, can also perform some organization member management tasks. All roles can manage their own member's personal profile information and perform some basic password/MFA resetting tasks.
Most member management tasks are undertaken from the MEMBERS tab in the navigation bar.
Tasks include:
- Adding and deleting members:
- View organization members list
- Add members to an organization
- Add multiple members to an organization from a CSV file
- this can include assigning the member to Rooms - Resend member invite
- Delete members from an organization
- Assigning members to Rooms:
- Viewing basic member info, such as location and citizenship, which are important for Room policy compliance; managing member roles; and acting on member password and MFA code reset requests.
- Managing your own member's info, including location and citizenship, which are important for Room policy compliance; resetting your member's password and MFA code, when possible; and requesting they be reset, when not.
The password/MFA reset options available from the Tehama Web UI are for members that use the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method. Members of organizations that have enabled 'Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication', will reset the password/MFA required by their chosen identity provider through the identity provider. Similarly, individual members that opted to use 'Google Credential Authentication', will reset their Google account password through Google.
Special case: The Org Admin user of an organization that has enabled SSO has the option to log in to Tehama using 'Tehama Credential with MFA', instead of through the identity provider, requiring them to create/maintain a Tehama password and MFA code.
View org members list
The Org Admin, Org/Room Managers of an organization can view a list of its members. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can view your organization's members list.
The MEMBERS user interface allows you to view, in a list, members in a selected team or all members.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the "All Members" option in the team-selector field.
This provides a list of all the members in your organization, regardless of what team or teams they may belong to. These are the users you have invited, usually from your own work/corporate organization to become part of your Tehama organization. This is the list of users you can add or request be added to Rooms your organization is participating in.
Each member entry in the list shows the Rooms that the member belongs to (under the Rooms Assigned column) and Desktop templates that the member is assigned to (under the Desktops Assigned column). If there is more than one Room or Desktop template for the member, just the number of Rooms and Desktop templates is shown - click on the tooltip beside the number to see their names, up to the first five.
Filter the list of members:
The list under the MEMBERS tab displays the following information for each member:
- Member: the name of the member (preceded by the avatar for that member)
- Role: the role of the member (Staff, Room Manager, Org Manager or Org Admin)
- Rooms Assigned: the number of Rooms the member belongs to
- Desktops Assigned: the number of Desktop templates the member is assigned to
- Status: the status of the member (Active, Pending or Deactivated)
You can filter the list of members being shown (whether the list is of a team or all members) through filters on the Role and Status columns.
- To set/unset a filter:
- click on dropdown arrow next to the column name to open the filter options menu.
- click on the "All" filter option to turn it on; to turn it off unset one of the other filter options.
- click on a filter option to toggle it on or off.
Role Filter: Set the "All" filter option on to see members of every role. Set a subset of the "Staff", "Room Manager", "Org Manager" and "Org Admin" filter options on to see only members with the roles in the subset.
Status Filter: Set the "All" filter option on to see members of every status. Set a subset of the "Active", "Pending" and "Deactivated" filter options on to see only members with the statuses in the subset.
Note that an entry whose text overruns the column can be expanded by clicking within the text field in the entry. (Avoid clicking on the text itself if it is a link.)
Add members to org
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can add members to the organization. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can add members to your organization.
Invite multiple members at once from a CVS (comma separated values) file by following the instructions in section "Add multiple members to an organization from a CSV file".
You can invite members individually, from the MEMBERS page.
To invite a single member:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Click the NEW dropdown menu to open it.
- Select Add New Member. The ADD NEW MEMBER dialog will appear.
- Enter the member information into the dialog:
- Name
- Email Address
- Role (Org Admin and Org Manager users can create Staff, Org Manager or Room Manager users. Room Manager users can create Staff or Room Manager users.)
- Room (Optional - select one or more Rooms from the list of Rooms. This list of Rooms consists of all the Rooms the Organization owns and/or is connected-to (determined when a Room is created) or has been invited to join as a third-party organization in the Room.)
Note: You can, from here in the MEMBERS tab, assign additional rooms from this list after the member is created, or you can add Room members directly from the interface for a Room (first ensuring the organization has access to the Room, of course.) - Team (Select one of the team created in the previous step or leave this blank)
- If you wish this dialog to be automatically redisplayed after inviting this member, so you can add another member, click to place a checkmark in the Send and invite another checkbox.
- Click INVITE.
The new user will be sent an email invitation to create a user account in Tehama and then added as a member to your organization, and also added/proposed as a member in the selected Room(s) (if you selected one or more Rooms in the dialog). Until the user accepts the invitation you will see their status as 'Pending'. You can resend the invitation to the user from the user's entry in the list.
For more information on roles and their permissions see the Roles User Guide.
Add members from a CSV
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can add members to the organization through a CSV file. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can add members to your organization through a CSV file.
Invite members individually by following the instructions in section "Add members to an organization".
You can invite multiple members to join your organization once from a CVS (comma separated values) file. This can, optionally, include assigning the members to Rooms.
To invite multiple members at once from a CSV (comma separated values) file:
- Construct a spreadsheet with the following format:
- The column names are: FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, ROLE, EMAIL and ROOMS.
- The ROLE column is optional. If you choose to include the column, the value is optional. Values are 1 or 2 or 9 where: Staff is 1, Org Manager is 2 and Room Manager is 9. If no value is provided, the role value defaults to 1 (Staff).
- The ROOMS column is optional. If you choose to include the column, the value is optional. Provide a value in this column if you want to simultaneously add the user to a set of Rooms. Otherwise, leave it blank.
ROOMS column value format:
The format for the ROOMS column value is a string of Room elements separated by semicolons, where each Room element is either a Room name, or a Room ID:<Room name>. . .<Room ID number>. . .;<Room name>
- Navigate to the ROOMS tab and select the Room from the list.
- Click on the Room's CONNECTION tab.
- Look at the url in your browser. It should look like this:
The Room ID number is the number preceding/connect
. In the above example, this is 12.
- RoomSeven
- This adds the proposed user to the Room with name "RoomSeven". - RoomEight
- This adds the proposed user to the Room with name "RoomEight". - 7;RoomEight
- This adds the proposed user to the Room with ID "7" and also to the Room with name "RoomEight". - RoomSeven;8
- This adds the proposed user to the Room with name "RoomSeven" and also to the Room with ID "8".
- The column names are: FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, ROLE, EMAIL and ROOMS.
- Generate a CSV file from your spreadsheet.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- From the MEMBERS tab, click the NEW dropdown menu at the top right of the page then select the Import Members option.
The IMPORT MEMBERS dialog will be displayed. - Click the UPLOAD AND INVITE ALL button in the dialog and follow instructions for uploading your CSV file.
Each member in the CSV file will be sent an email invitation to create a user account in Tehama and then added to your organization, and also added/proposed as a member in the Rooms specified in the CSV file (if you specified any). Until a user accepts the invitation you will see their status as 'Pending'. You can resend the invitation to a user from the user's entry in the list.
For more information on roles and their permissions see the Roles User Guide.
Resend member invite
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can resend the invite link to a pending member. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can resend an invite link.
In the event the original email invitation link has expired, a new invite may be generated and sent. Follow these steps to resend an invite:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Click name of the invited, but still pending, member you wish to resend an invite to.
- In the row for the pending member, click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column.
- Select the View Invitation Link item.
In the resulting screen, Click the blue RESEND INVITE button.
- If there is a need to send the link manually, you can copy the invitation link presented in the dialog.
Delete members from org
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can delete a member from the organization. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can delete a member from your organization.
Delete a member from the organization from MEMBERS tab.
Note: If the organization has enabled Single Sign On (SSO) and SCIM user provisioning as its authentication method, delete or un-assign members from Tehama in the identity provider used. (See the section SSO User Provisioning in the Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication and User Provisioning page for more information.)
WARNING: When you delete members, they and all their individual Desktops and any of their shared Desktops that have no other users will be permanently deleted from the organization. Members will also be removed from all Rooms that they were a member of and all active sessions of the member will be terminated.
Option 1 (allows for bulk deletions):
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the member you wish to delete by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the member's name. Select multiple members for bulk deletions.
- At the bottom of the page, click the Trash Can icon. You will see the DELETE MEMBER(S) dialog.
- Confirm that you want to continue with the deletion and click DELETE.
Option 2:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- In the row for the member you wish to delete, click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column.
- Select the Delete Member item. You will see the DELETE MEMBER(S) dialog.
- Confirm that you want to continue with the deletion and click DELETE.
Assign members to Rooms
The Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (only for Rooms to which they themselves are assigned) of an organization can assign members in the organization to one or more Rooms. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can assign members to Rooms.
Note, it is also possible to assign a member to one or more Rooms while adding the member to the organization through a CSV file. See section Add multiple members to an organization from a CSV file for more details.
Assign members in the organization to one or more Rooms from the MEMBERS tab in the navigation bar of the Tehama Web UI.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Either:
- Select the member or members you wish to assign to a room/rooms by clicking in the checkbox to the left of each member's name.
- At the bottom of the page, click the Assign Room icon
- In the row for the member you wish to assign to a room/rooms, click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column.
- Select the Assign Room item.
Note that the Rooms in the dropdown list will consist of Rooms that your organization has created, Rooms your organization has joined to connect, and Rooms the organization has joined as a user organization. - Select the member or members you wish to assign to a room/rooms by clicking in the checkbox to the left of each member's name.
- Select one or more Rooms to which you want to add the member or members.
The text on the button at the bottom of the dialog will differ depending on the first selected Room, as follows:- If your organization is the connected organization for the first selected Room, then the button at the bottom of the dialog will be ASSIGN <number of members to be assigned> MEMBER(S).
- If your organization is not the connected organization for the first selected Room, then the button will be PROPOSE <number of members to be assigned> MEMBER(S).
Clicking on the button will:- immediately add the selected members to those selected Rooms for which your organization is the connected organization.
- propose membership of the selected members in those selected Rooms for which your organization is not the connected organization. The connected organization for each of these selected Rooms will be alerted of the proposal and approve or deny membership for each member.
If a selected member is already a member of a selected Room/Rooms, the 'assign' or the 'propose' action will have no effect on the member's current status in the room.
- Click the ASSIGN <number of members to be assigned> MEMBER(S) or the PROPOSE <number of members to be assigned> MEMBER(S) button. You will see the SUCCESS dialog.
- Click CLOSE to close the dialog, or, if you only selected one Room, click GO TO <ROOM NAME> to go to the interface for the Room.
The member(s) will be immediately added to each Room...
... where you are the Org Admin user or an Org Manager or a Room Manager (who is a member of the Room) in the Room's connected organization. - just as though you followed the procedure to Add Room members from the Room's members tab in the Room Membership User Guide.
The member(s) will be proposed for membership in each Room...
... where you are the Org Admin user or an Org Manager or a Room Manager (who is a member of the Room) in an organization in the Room that is not the connected organization. - just as though you followed the procedure to Propose Room members from the Room's members tab in the Room Membership User Guide.
View members' basic info
The Org Admin and Org/Room Managers of an organization can view basic member information, about themselves and other members of the organization from both the organization MEMBERS page and a Room MEMBERS page. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can view basic member information about another member.
All members of an organization can view their own basic member information from the MEMBERS page of a Room of which they are a member.
View basic information, about yourself or another member of your organization, from a couple of places in the Tehama Web UI.
From the organization MEMBERS page: available to the Org Admin and Org/Room Managers only
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab. You will see a list of members in the organization.
- Locate the row for the member whose profile you wish to view.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on the member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
From a Room MEMBERS page: available to the Org Admin, Org Managers and all members of the Room
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that the member belongs to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for the member whose profile you wish to view.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on the member's name. Staff members will only be able to click on their own names.
Edit member role
The Org Admin and Org/Room Managers of an organization can edit a member's role. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can edit a member's role.
The Org Admin and Org Managers can edit the role of a member with any existing role. They can set the role to Staff, Org Manager or Room Manager, or to custom roles based on either of those Roles.
Room Manager can edit the role of a member with the existing role Room Manager or Staff, or a custom role based on either of those roles. They can set the role to Staff or Room Manager, or custom roles based on either of those Roles.
The Org Admin can set any other member's role to be Org Admin, which has the automatic effect of changing their role to the role of Org Manager.
Edit a member's role from a couple of places in the Tehama Web UI.
From the organization MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Locate the row for the member whose role you wish to edit.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on the member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
- Click on the Role dropdown field under the member's name and select the new role.
From a Room MEMBERS page: Room managers may only do this from Rooms of which they are a member.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that the member belongs to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for the member whose role you wish to edit.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on the member's name.
- Click on the Role dropdown field under the member's name and select the new role.
Reset member password
The Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can generate a reset password link for any member (themselves included), and send it to the member in an email.
For passwords of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
Note that all users can reset their own password directly through their PROFILE page.
Generate a reset password link for any member, and send it to the member in an email, from a couple of places in the Tehama Web UI.
From the organization MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Locate the row for the member whose password you wish to reset.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on the member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
- Click on the RESET button next to the Password field. The member will receive an email containing a reset password link. When they click on the link, a password-change page will be opened in a browser for them.
From a Room MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that the member belongs to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for the member whose password you wish to reset.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on the member's name.
- Click on the RESET button next to the Password field. The member will receive an email containing a reset password link. When they click on the link, a password-change page will be opened in a browser for them.
Reset member MFA
The Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can initiate the reset of an MFA code for any member (themselves included) - the member will be prompted to set up their MFA from scratch at their next login.
For MFA codes of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
Note that the Org Admin user and Org Managers can also trigger the reset of their own MFA code through their PROFILE page.
Initiate the reset of a member's MFA code from a couple of places in the Tehama Web UI.
From the organization MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Locate the row for the member whose MFA code you wish to reset.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on the member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
- Click on the RESET MFA CODE button next to the Multi-Factor Auth field. The member will be prompted to reset their MFA code the next time they log in.
From a Room MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that the member belongs to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for the member whose MFA code you wish to reset.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on the member's name.
- Click on the RESET MFA CODE button next to the Multi-Factor Auth field. The member will be prompted to reset their MFA code the next time they log in.
The Org Admin user and the Org Managers of an organization may also receive an email requesting that they reset the MFA code for a particular member. This email is sent when the member clicks on the Request new MFA code text while logging in to the Tehama Web UI. The email contains a 'reset link' that is unique to that member.
- You have received an email requesting that you reset a member's MFA code.
- Open the email and click on the reset link.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI. You will be brought to a page with the member's name at the top: MEMBERS > MEMBER NAME. The MULTI-FACTOR AUTH sidebar item will be selected.
- Click on the RESET MFA CODE button. The member will be prompted to reset their MFA code the next time they attempt to log in.
View/Edit own profile
All members of an organization can view and/or edit their own personal profile information.
All members can access their personal profile through their user name/icon in the navigation bar.
The Org Admin user and Org Managers can access their personal profile from the organization MEMBERS page.
The Org Admin user and Org Managers can access their personal profile from a Room's MEMBERS page, if they are members of the Room.
View or edit your own personal profile on the PROFILE page ...
From your user name/icon at the bottom of the navigation bar: available to all members
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on your user name or icon at the bottom of the navigation bar, to open up the user drop-down menu.
- Select Profile from the user drop-down menu.
- Select the PROFILE sidebar item.
- If desired, make changes to your profile and click SAVE.
From the organization MEMBERS page: available only to the Org Admin user and Org Managers
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Locate the row for your member.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on your member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
- Click EDIT in this dialog. This brings you to the PROFILE page for your member.
- If desired, make changes to your profile and click SAVE.
From a Room MEMBERS page: available only to the Org Admin user and Org Managers who belong to a Room
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that you belong to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for your member.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on your member's name.
- Click EDIT in this dialog. This brings you to the PROFILE page for your member.
- If desired, make changes to your profile and click SAVE.
Reset own password
All members of an organization can directly reset their own password, while logged in to the Tehama Web UI.
For passwords of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
If you are not able to log in to the Tehama Web UI with your existing password, for example, you have forgotten your password, request a password reset link.
Directly reset your own password as follows.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on your user name/icon at the bottom of the navigation bar, to open up the user drop-down menu.
- Select Profile from the user drop-down menu.
- Select the PASSWORD sidebar item.
- Enter your current and new password then click CHANGE PASSWORD.
The Org Admin user and Org Managers can also generate a reset password link for themselves, that is sent to them in an email.
Request password reset link
All members of an organization can request a reset of their own password.
If the member is not currently locked out, they can trigger a request that will automatically send a password reset link to their email address, via the "Forgot your password" link on the login dialog.
If the member is currently locked out, they can contact a manager in their organization or Tehama Support to request that they initiate a reset of the password for them.
For passwords of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
If you have forgotten your password, and you are not currently locked out, you can automatically generate a password reset link, which is sent to your email address, while attempting to log in to the Tehama Web UI, as follows:
- First access your Tehama corporate portal login page. e.g.: Enter
in a browser, where "mysubdomain" is your organization's subdomain. - You will see the LOGIN TO <your subdomain name> dialog for the Tehama Web UI.
- Enter your Tehama username.
- Click on the text Forgot your password found at the bottom of the login dialog. This will display the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? dialog.
- Enter your email (the email you use to log in to Tehama) in the dialog.
- Click SUBMIT. An email containing a reset password link will be sent to you.
- Open the email and click on the reset link. You will be directed to the password reset page.
- Enter your current and new password then click CHANGE PASSWORD.
If your account is locked, due to you entering five invalid passwords in a row, you must wait for a period of 30 minutes before the Forgot your password link becomes available to you again.
If you need to log in within that lockout period, contact a manager in your organization or Tehama Support to request that they initiate a reset of your password for you.
The Org Admin user of an organization that has enabled 'Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication' has the option to log in to Tehama using 'Tehama Credential with MFA' instead of through the identity provider, requiring them to create/maintain a Tehama password and MFA code. They will not see the Forgot your password option on their login screen. They must create a support ticket through Tehama Support in order to reset their Tehama password.
Reset your MFA code
The Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can request a reset of their own MFA code, while logged in to the Tehama Web UI.
For MFA codes of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
You, as an Org Admin user or an Org Manager, can reset your own MFA code from a few places in the Tehama Web UI.
From your PROFILE page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on your user name at the bottom of the navigation bar, to open up the user drop-down menu.
- Select Profile from the user drop-down menu.
- Select the MULTI-FACTOR AUTH sidebar item.
- Click RESET MFA CODE. You will be prompted to reset your MFA code the next time you log in.
From the organization MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Locate the row for your member.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog as follows:
- Either click on your member's name.
- Or click on the three vertical dots menu under the Actions column, then select the View & Edit Member item.
- Click on the RESET MFA CODE button next to the Multi-Factor Auth field. You will be prompted to reset your MFA code the next time you log in.
From a Room MEMBERS page:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab. You will see a list of Rooms in the organization.
- Click on the Room name of a Room that your member belongs to. You will see the Room interface.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab in the Room interface. You will see the list of members in the Room.
- Locate the row for your member.
- In the row, open up the member basic-info dialog by clicking on your member's name.
- Click on the RESET MFA CODE button next to the Multi-Factor Auth field. You will be prompted to reset your MFA code the next time you log in.
Request MFA code reset
All members of an organization can request a reset of their own MFA code.
If the member is not currently locked out, they can request a reset of their MFA code, via the "Request new MFA code" link on the Multi-Factor Authentication dialog. This will send the request to their organization's Org Admin and Org Managers.
If the member is currently locked out, they can contact a manager in their organization or Tehama Support to request a reset of their MFA code.
For MFA codes of members using the 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' authentication method.
If your MFA code is inaccessible or invalid, and you cannot log in to the Tehama Web UI, you can, while attempting to log in, request a reset as follows:
- First access your Tehama corporate portal login page. e.g.: Enter
in a browser, where "mysubdomain" is your organization's subdomain. - You will see the LOGIN TO <your subdomain name> dialog for the Tehama Web UI.
- Enter your Tehama username and password credentials.
- Click SIGN IN. You will see the Multi-factor authentication dialog.
- Click on the text Request new MFA code found at the bottom of the "Multi-Factor Authentication" dialog.
- Click YES, SUBMIT REQUEST. This will send an MFA code reset request email to the Org Admin user of your Tehama organization. (If you are the Org Admin user for your organization, a Tehama support ticket will be created instead.)
- Click CLOSE.
If your account is locked, due to you entering five invalid MFA codes in a row, you must wait for a period of 30 minutes before the Request new MFA code link becomes available to you again.
If you need to log in within that lockout period, contact a manager in your organization or Tehama Support to request that they reset your MFA code for you.
The Org Admin user of an organization that has enabled 'Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication' has the option to log in to Tehama using 'Tehama Credential with MFA' instead of through the identity provider, requiring them to create/maintain a Tehama password and MFA code. They will not see the Request new MFA code option on their login screen. They must create a support ticket through Tehama Support in order to reset their Tehama MFA code.
Organization Team Management
Tehama lets you group your members into teams. This can be useful in the Rooms interface, which allows you to add an entire team of members to a Room in one action.
Managing teams in an organization is the responsibility of the Org Admin and the Org/Room Managers.
All team management tasks are undertaken from the MEMBERS tab in the navigation bar.
Tasks include:
- Viewing, adding, editing and deleting teams:
View members in a team
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers in an organization can view members in a team.
View the members in team as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the name of the team you want to see members for in the team-selector field.
This provides a list of all the members in the selected team.
Create a team
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers in an organization can create teams.
Create a team as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Click the NEW dropdown menu to open it.
- Select New Team. The NEW TEAM dialog will appear.
- Type in a name for the team (e.g., DB Admins) in the Team Name field.
- Optionally add members to be team in the New Members field.
- Click CREATE.
Edit a team
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers in an organization can edit a team's name and its membership.
Edit a team as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the team you wish to edit from the team-selector field.
- Click on the "Manage Team" icon at the top right of the table:
The MANAGE TEAM dialog will appear. - Change the name or team membership list.
- Click SAVE.
- You may have to refresh your page to see changes in the displayed list of members.
Delete a team
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers in an organization can delete teams.
Delete a team as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the team you wish to edit from the team-selector field.
- Click on the "Delete Team" icon at the top right of the table:
The DELETE TEAM dialog will appear. - Click DELETE.
Organization Settings
The Organization settings interface is found under the navigation bar's ORGANIZATION tab. Settings include the configuration of your organization's details, its authentication method, custom roles, Room compliance policies, the support plan, and webhooks.
This section provides a brief overview of what each settings page does and supplies either instructions, or links to appropriate documentation, on how to manage them.
Settings pages:
- Organization Details - go here to view/edit your account details.
- Organization Authentication - go here to set your organization's authentication method.
- Organization Roles - go here to create and manage custom roles for your organization.
- Organization Policies - go here to create and manage your organization's Room policies.
- Organization Support Plan - go here to upgrade your support plan, and to initiate the deactivation of your organization.
- Organization Webhooks - go here to set up webhooks to export events generated by your organization to 3rd-party tools.
Org details
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers and Staff members of an organization can see the organization's ORGANIZATION DETAILS page. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you see the organization details page.
Only the Org Admin user of an organization can edit the details shown on the page.
Access the ORGANIZATION DETAILS page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION DETAILS sidebar item.
Use the ORGANIZATION DETAILS page to view the organization's details.
The Org Admin user of your organization can edit the details.
These details include the organization name, address and contact information. It is important to keep this information current.
Only the Org Admin user of an organization can see the organization's AUTHENTICATION page.
Access the AUTHENTICATION page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the AUTHENTICATION sidebar item.
Use the AUTHENTICATION page to manage the type of authentication used by your organization's members.
Tehama offers three types of authentication. 'Tehama Credential with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)' and 'Google Credential Authentication' are selected by individual members as they join Tehama, unless their organization has enabled Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) authentication. (It is disabled by default.)
The AUTHENTICATION page is where you can enable or disable SSO authentication for your organization.
Instructions for enabling SSO are available in the 'Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication and User Provisioning' article.
Only the Org Admin user and an Org Manager of an organization can access the roles page. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can access the roles page.
Access the ROLES page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the ROLES sidebar item.
As the Org Admin user or an Org Manager user of your organization, go to the ROLES page to view the custom roles that are available to assign to members of your organization.
As the Org Admin user of your organization, use to the ROLES page to manage (create/edit/delete) custom roles to assign to members of your organization.
See more information in the Custom Roles and Permissions User Guide.
Note: The Custom Roles and Permissions capability is not available by default. It will be enabled the first time the Org Admin user attempts to create a custom role, and acknowledges the implications the feature has for role setting in Tehama's SSO User Provisioning.
Conditions of use
The Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can access the 'conditions of use' page. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can access the 'conditions of use' page.
Access the CONDITIONS OF USE page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the CONDITIONS OF USE sidebar item.
On the CONDITIONS OF USE page, you can view the compliance policies that belong to the organization and the Rooms that reference them. You can edit/delete existing policies and create new ones.
See more information in the Policies (Conditions of Use for Rooms) User Guide.
Support Plan
The Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can see the organization's SUPPORT PLAN page.
Both the Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can trigger an upgrade or downgrade of the organization's support plan.
Both the Org Admin user and Org Managers of an organization can initiate the deactivation of the organization's account.
Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform these actions.
Access the SUPPORT PLAN page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the SUPPORT PLAN sidebar item.
The SUPPORT PLAN page allows you to:
- view and change your organization's support plan; and
- initiate the deactivation and subsequent deletion of your organization's account.
-- Support Plan - change plan
Your organization's needs change and grow over time. Tehama gives you the option of changing your Support Plan to one that is best suited to your current requirements.
From the PLAN page:
- Read up on the available support plans at (A link to this page is on the PLAN page.)
- Click on the CHANGE PLAN button to bring up a Tehama Support request form.
- Fill out and submit the form, indicating in the description field how you wish to change your organization's support plan.
-- Support Plan - deactivate/delete Organization
If your organization has no further need for Tehama's services, you can deactivate your Tehama organization account, and, once all outstanding invoices are dealt with, go on to delete it.
To deactivate your organization account:
From the SUPPORT PLAN page:
- Click on the text Deactivate your organization account found at the bottom of the page.
You will be prompted to create a 'case' on the Tehama Support Portal. - Create a case in the support portal and in the text of the 'case', express your desire to deactivate your organization's Tehama account.
This support 'case' will be handled by Tehama Support, who, after confirming your wishes, will commence the deactivation process. All Rooms owned by the organization will be archived (irretrievably) and usage of the account obstructed awaiting the settlement of any outstanding invoices.
While your account is deactivated ...
While the organization's account is deactivated, only the Org Admin user of the organization is able to log in to the account. All other organization members will see messages stating that their account for the organization has been deactivated.
The Org Admin user will be able to access the plan and TCU usage pages for the organization.
Under SUPPORT PLAN, there will be an option to reactivate the account, if desired, by selecting the REACTIVATE button. The account will be reactivated and access for your organization's members will be restored. (Note: all archived Rooms will remain archived even after reactivation of the account.)
Under TCU USAGE in the navigation bar the Org Admin user can view all your organization's Tehama usage details and arrange payment in the usual manner.
Once your organization's final payment has been received, you will be notified via email that you may proceed to delete your account.
To do so, again navigate to the SUPPORT PLAN page. This time you will see that the text at the bottom of the page has changed to: Delete your organization account
To delete your organization account:
From the SUPPORT PLAN page:
- Click on the Delete your organization account found at the bottom of the page.
- Confirm your intention to delete your account by typing in the email address you log in with.
- Click the DELETE ORGANIZATION button. Your account will be deleted.
Only the Org Admin user of an organization can access the webhooks page.
Access the WEBHOOKS page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar.
- Click on the WEBHOOKS sidebar item.
As the Org Admin user of your organization, use to the WEBHOOKS page to configure sending event logs to external log providers.
See more information in the Webhooks User Guide.
Organization Customization
As the Org Admin user or an Org/Room Manager of your organization, you can request certain customizations for your organization account. For example, you can customize the emails that Tehama sends out on your behalf. You can also request to have TCU usage notifications enabled.
Email Customization
You can work with Tehama Support to customize select emails that are sent out by Tehama on your behalf. If this is something your organization would like to do, contact Tehama Support to start the process.
TCU Usage Notifications
If your organization has the TCU usage notifications feature enabled, the Org Admin user of your organization will receive email notifications on the following occasions:
Check the description of your custom role, to see if you will also receive TCU Usage notifications.
- TCU Monthly Credit usage has reached 80%/90%/100%/110%
Tehama will send an email when the organization's TCU Monthly Credit usage for the monthly usage period has reached one of the pre-defined thresholds (80%, 90%, 100% and 110%). - Trial TCU Credit usage has reached 80%/90%/100%/110%
Tehama will send an email when the organization's Trial TCU Credit usage has reached one of the pre-defined thresholds (80%, 90%, 100% and 110%).
By default, organizations have the TCU usage notifications feature disabled.
If your organization would like to receive TCU usage notifications, contact Tehama Support to enable the feature.
Organization Status
Understand the states your organization's account can be in, and how to recognize and deal with its current state.
An account can have four states:
The pending state is the initial state of an organization's account. It stays in this state until the invite to join Tehama has been accepted and the organization's details have been filled out and saved, i.e.: until the Org Admin user has clicked on COMPLETE REGISTRATION, as part of the 'Joining Tehama' process.
The active state is the normal running state of an organization's account.
If your organization's registration is completed (no longer pending), and you, as the Org Admin user, do not see the visual indications of the 'deactivated' or 'suspended' states, then your organization's state is active.
The deactivated state is an interim state of an organization's account before it is closed, that is, deleted, from Tehama. An organization remains in the deactivated state until the final payment has been received and the account can be closed, or until a change of heart has occurred and the organization is reactivated.
In the deactivated state, all of the organization's Rooms are archived (irretrievably) and user access to the organization in Tehama is restricted to the Org Admin user of the organization, who can only view the organization's plan and payment information. The Org Admin user will see a banner in the top left corner of the Tehama Web UI denoting the deactivated state. (The sidebar must be expanded to see the full banner.)
Sidebar unexpanded: Sidebar expanded:
All other members of the organization, Org/Room Managers and Staff members, upon attempting to log in, will see a notification stating that the organization has been deactivated and to contact the Org Admin user for more details.
An organization enters this state at the request of the Org Admin user, as the first step towards closing the organization's account.
From this state, the Org Admin user can opt to reactivate the organization's account (though the Rooms remain archived) or, once the final payment has been received by Tehama, opt to delete the account.
See 'Support Plan - deactivate/delete organization' for more details.
The suspended state is a state an organization's account is placed into when it has at least one suspension levied against it. A suspension is levied against an organization when it fails to meet an expectation placed on it by Tehama. Reasons for a suspension are:
- non-acceptance of the latest Terms of Service by the Org Admin user of the organization (Note: This is not applicable if your organization has enabled custom terms of service.)
- outstanding payments
- other
An organization can have more than one suspension levied against it at one time.
In the suspended state, user access to the organization in Tehama is restricted to the Org Admin user, who can only view the organization's details, plan and payment information. The Org Admin user will see a banner in the top left corner of the Tehama Web UI denoting the suspended state. (The sidebar must be expanded to see the full banner.)
Sidebar unexpanded: Sidebar expanded:
All other members of the organization, Org/Room Managers and Staff members, upon attempting to log in, will see a notification stating that the organization has been suspended and to contact the Org Admin user for more details.
All Tehama Rooms owned or connected to by an organization in the suspended state will be inaccessible for all members of that Room (for members of other organizations in the Room as well).
An organization is placed into this state, that is, suspensions are levied against it, at the discretion of Tehama when evidence of a failure to meet an expectation comes to light.
The reason for a suspension must be cleared or justified by the organization before Tehama will, at its discretion, manually lift the suspension. All suspensions must be lifted before organization's account returns to the active state.
If your organization's account is suspended:
- Determine the reason(s) for the suspension(s).
The organization's Org Admin user can see the suspension reasons as follows: Click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar and then click on the ORGANIZATION DETAILS sidebar item. The list of suspensions can be found at the top of the page. For example: - Clear or find justification for the reason.
- Contact Tehama Support to request the suspension(s) be lifted.
Note, to clear a suspension for non-acceptance of the latest Terms of Service, the Org Admin user needs only to log in to Tehama and accept the terms for the suspension to be cleared automatically.