Reports User Guide
As the Org Admin or an Org/Room Manager of your organization, use the Reports feature to view reports of the following things in your organization:
Check the description of your custom role, to see if you have access, or partial access, to the Reports feature.
Note: that in all reports, Room Managers can only see information about Rooms for Rooms of which they are members.
Desktop-related reports:
- Desktop Sessions by Date
- a list of days on which there have been Desktop sessions. Shows the day, the number of sessions that occurred on that day and the total duration in seconds of those sessions. - Desktop Sessions by Month
- a list and a chart of months and the number of Desktop sessions that have occurred in the organization during each month. The chart shows the total duration of the sessions for each month. The list shows the month and year, the number of sessions during the month and the total duration of those sessions. - Desktop Sessions by Organization
- a list and a chart of active organizations that show the Desktop sessions on Desktops that the organization owns. All sessions for a Desktop are allocated to the count for the organization that owns the Room in which the Desktop resides, regardless of the organization to which the Desktop's user belongs. Shows the name of the organization, the number of Rooms and Desktops belonging to the organization, both total and broken down by type, (Workspace (individual), Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux), the number of users who have access to the organization's Rooms, the number of sessions that have occurred on the organization's Desktops, the total duration in seconds of those sessions, the average session duration and the number of Desktops in the organization that have been inactive for fourteen or more days. - Desktop Sessions by Room
- a list of Rooms for which there have been Desktop sessions. Shows the name of the Room, the number of sessions that have occurred on Desktops belonging to the Room and the total duration in seconds of those sessions. - Desktop Sessions by User
- a list of users that have launched Desktop sessions. Shows the name of the user, the number of sessions that the user has launched and the total duration in seconds of those sessions. - Desktops
- a list of Desktops accessible to the organization and its usage. Shows the name of the Desktop's template and its specification (image), the Room the Desktop belongs to, the name of the Room member assigned to it, the number of sessions that have occurred on the Desktop and the total duration in hours of those sessions, the average session duration, the timestamp of the last login, and the date the Desktop was created. Additional information that can be displayed via the SHOW MORE button beyond the usual IDs includes the name of the owning organization, the Desktop's login username, the Desktop's computer name, the Desktop's OS type (Workspace, Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux), power management settings, the member's email and the member's role.
Organization-related report:
- Organizations 3rd Party
- a list of organizations and the Rooms that they have been invited to join as 3rd-party 'users' of the Room. Shows the name of the user organization, the name of the Room they have joined and its status, the name of the Room's connected organization and the date that the user organization was added to the Room.
Room-related reports:
- Room Gateway Version
- a list and a chart of the Gateway versions currently in use. The chart shows the number of Gateways at the latest available version versus the number of Gateways at previous versions. The list shows the Gateways broken down by Room, showing the Room name, the Gateway version, the Gateway's IP and whether or not the Gateway's version is the latest available version. - Room Usage
- a list of rooms with information about each room including the Room name, the number of each type of desktop template in the Room, (Workspace, Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux), the number of users assigned to the Room from the Room's connected organization, the number of users assigned to the Room from the room's owner organization, the number of users assigned to the Room from other organizations in the Room, the last event that occurred in the Room and date/time it occurred, the date/time of the last desktop session in the Room and, finally, the duration of the session and the name of the user who ran the session. - Room User Assignments
- a list of the users assigned to a Room, for each Room used by the organization. Shows Room name, user name, user role and the status of the user in the Room (e.g.: approved vs pending). - Room Users Count
- a list of the number of users from the connected organization, the owner organization and other organizations in each Room used by the organization. Shows Room name and the three counts (connected, owner and other). - Rooms
- a list of Rooms used by the organization, as either the owner or connected organization. Shows Room name, creation date, the owner organization name, the connected organization name, the region, the network mode and the Room's status. Also, shows the number of the Room's Desktops that are currently 'in use' (maximum allowed is 50). - Rooms Pending
- a list of Rooms that are pending (the Room creation is not completed and/or the Room has not been connected to). The report shows the Room name, its creation date, the name of the owner organization and the region the Room is to be provisioned in. This report shows the list of Rooms, per region, that are not built and could potentially be deleted, thus providing space for new Rooms. Click on the Room name in an entry to drill down to the Room's interface. - Rooms Removed
- a list of Rooms that have been removed. Rooms in this list have been archived (the Room has been removed from use but the audit information (recordings and activity stream events) for the Room has been preserved), or they have been deleted. The report shows the Room name, its status (archived or deleted), its creation date, the name of the owner organization and the region the Room was provisioned in. Click on the room name in an entry to drill down to the Room's interface.
Session-related reports:
- Session Recordings
- a list of Desktop session recordings in the organization, broken down by user. Shows Room name, user name, session-id, start time and duration. - Session Recordings by Desktop Template
- a list and a chart of Desktop session recordings in the organization, broken down by the different Desktop templates (Workspace, Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux) and also noting those recordings attributed to now deleted Desktops. Shows Room name, start time, duration, Desktop template, deleted Desktops and the operating system.
TCU Usage-related reports: TCU reports are only visible for organizations that have TCU usage enabled.
- TCU Usage over Time
- a list and a chart of the 'Tehama Compute Unit' (TCU) usage by the organization over time (per month). The chart shows the usage broken down by Room in a stacked format. The list shows the Room name, the amount of TCU units consumed by the Room (over time on a monthly basis) and the issue date of the TCU Usage Report containing the charges for these TCUs. - TCU Usage this Month
- a list and a chart of the 'Tehama Compute Unit' (TCU) usage by the organization since the last TCU usage period. The chart shows the usage broken down by Room in a linear format. The list breaks down the usage into entries for each asset type within a Room, showing Room name, asset name, description or Desktop template type, units (rate of usage per hour or per month) and the amount of TCUs used by the entry since the last TCU usage period up to the date and time specified at the top of the list.
User-related reports:
- User Desktop Assignments
- a list of the users assigned to a Desktop, for each Desktop in the organization. Shows the Room name, the Desktop template name, the type of Desktop template, (Workspace, Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux), the user, the Desktop mode and specification and the timestamp of the last login. It also indicates if the Desktop is always on. - Users
- a list of the users in the organization. Shows user's first and last names, the user's status (Active or Pending), department, user email, role, phone number, title, organization, country and country of citizenship. - Users (Offboarded)
- a list of the users that have been offboarded from the organization. Shows user's first and last names, the organization name and the date the user was offboarded. - Users Room Approval Delay
- a list and a chart of the Room users in the organization who were proposed for membership in a Room, showing the time the membership was proposed and the time the membership was approved. Note that users that are auto-approved are excluded from the report metrics. Shows Room name, user name, role, the proposed timestamp and the approved timestamp and the duration between the two plus the name of the approver.
Workspace-related report:
- Workspace Count
- a list and a chart of the Rooms in the organization. Shows Room name, Room display name and the number of Desktops that are in each Room, broken down by Desktop template, (Workspace (Individual), Tehama Windows and Tehama Linux).
Webhook Events report: Note: This report is only visible to users with the Org Admin role.
- Webhooks Event Types
- a list of event types for Activity Stream events in Tehama. Shows the event name, a description of the event, the category the event belongs to and a list of the arguments specific to that event along with their types which can be atomic types, like String or Boolean or custom argument schemas like Room Schema or User Schema. Click on the argument schema name (like Room Schema) in an entry to see the list of arguments in that schema. This report also provides a link to see the list of default arguments in each event (the Event Schema). Click on the Click to view default arguments sent with every event (user and organization and type) link to see this list. This report is primarily used to provide configuration data for Webhooks.
Access reports
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can access reports for the organization. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the REPORTS tab.
Note that an entry whose text ends in an ellipsis (...) or overruns the column can be expanded by clicking within the text field in the entry. (Avoid clicking on the text itself if it is a link.)
Note that some report types display graphs of the report data. These graphs appear at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to see the report type menu, filter, buttons and tabular data.
Select report type
Open the dropdown report types menu and select the type of report you want to see:
Click the SHOW MORE button to show additional information, such as IDs, in the report. The button's text will change to SHOW LESS.
Note that the additional information is included in all exported reports, regardless of whether or not the additional information is shown in the displayed report.
Filter report contents
Click on the Filters dropdown menu to view the report filters.
This will show the filters available for the type of report currently selected.
Each report type has different filters available, depending on the fields they contain.
For organization, Room and member filters:
Choose zero, one or more of the options listed. (Click the X on an option to remove it.) Your report will be limited to items for that option, (Room, organization, member). If no options are selected for a filter, then that filter will not be applied.
For the date-range filter:
Use the date-time selector to choose the limits of the date-range you want, or click on a date/time and manually type over it to change it. Your report will be limited to items whose creation dates fall within the selected date-range. (Note, the creation date does not have to be a field in the report.) Be sure to check the start and end values of the default date range to see what is currently defined for this filter.
When a filter is added, an indication that a filter is active is displayed next to the title. For example, if the Room filter is active, you will see (Rooms) next to Filters. If both the organization and Room filter is active, you will see (Organizations, Rooms).
NOTE: The page URL changes based on the currently active filters. Because of this, you can save your current filter settings (and report-type selection) by bookmarking the page.
Export a report
Follow these steps:
- Access the Reports page.
- Select the report type you want.
- Filter the report as desired.
- Select the export icon found at the right of the reports page opposite the dropdown reports type menu.
Click on the export option that you desire:
- Export as CSV: 'Comma Separated Values', suitable for import into spreadsheet applications etc.
- Export as PDF: 'Portable Document Format', a readable/printable document.
- Export as SVG: 'Scalable Vector Graphics', only available for reports with charts, this option downloads the chart in SVG format.
Look for your report in your downloads folder.
An event will appear in the Activity Stream each time a report is exported.