Getting started with Joining Tehama
This guide provides the basic steps necessary in order for you to join Tehama as a new 'User', and, if you are the first member, to create and configure your new 'Organization' account.
Joining Tehama
NOTE: Tehama at this time is by invitation only. If you are interested in ordering Tehama, reach out to us through Tehama Support.
Invite Email
You've likely received an invitation through email.
The subject of the email will be one of the following:
- If you have been invited to create an 'Organization'
- Subject: "<your name>, welcome to Tehama"
- Subject: "<your name>, welcome to Tehama"
- If you have been invited to join an existing organization as a 'Team Member'
- Subject: "You have been invited to join the Tehama organization <your organization's name>"
- Subject: "You have been invited to join the Tehama organization <your organization's name>"
- If you have been invited to connect to a 'Room' which may require you to create an organization
- Subject: "You have been invited to connect a Room"
Note: The email address to which the invitation email will be sent will depend on the type of invitation:
- If you are creating a new organization, this will be the email address you provided for your order/purchase of Tehama.
- If you are joining an existing organization as a 'Team Member', this will be the email address you provided to your organization's Org Admin or one of the Org/Room Managers.
- If you are connecting to a 'Room', this will be the email address you provided to the Room's owner organization's Org Admin or one of the Org/Room Managers.
Note: Please check your spam folder if no email is received.
Locate the invite email.
The invitation email will contain a link which will need to be actioned in order to set up Tehama.
(A) For the first type of invitation, create and organization, the link will be 'Accept invitation'.
You will be the Org Admin for the new organization.
- Click on the link. The JOIN TEHAMA dialog will appear.
(B) For the second type of invitation, join an organization, the link will be one of the following: *
- 'Accept invitation', if you have been invited as an "Org Manager" or a "Room Manager" member.
- let's get started!, if you have been invited as a "Staff" member.
- Click on the link. The JOIN TEHAMA dialog will appear.
* If your organization has set up Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication, then the email will contain a link inviting you to log in to Tehama through your Identity Provider account (or a link inviting you to create an Identity Provider account). This type of login uses your corporate login to access Tehama through SSO. ↩
(C) For the third type of invitation, connect to a Room, the link will be 'Launch Room'.
An invitation of this sort is sent either to the Org Admin of an existing organization, or to an individual who will become the Org Admin for the organization they create.
- Click on the link. The Join room in TEHAMA dialog will appear.
This will present you with two options:
- "I already have an account", followed by a LOG IN button.
Select this if you already have an organization that you wish to use to connect to this room.
- Click on the LOG IN button. The SIGN IN TO YOUR ORGANIZATION dialog will appear.
- Enter your organization's subdomain.
- Click CONTINUE. You will see the LOGIN dialog.
- Continue to log in to the Tehama Web UI as you normally would.
- Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the Room connection process.
- "I need to create an account", followed by a JOIN TEHAMA button.
Select this if you want to create a new organization to connect to this room.
- Enter the name you wish to give to your new organization.
- Click on the JOIN TEHAMA. The CHOOSE A SUBDOMAIN dialog will appear.
- Enter a subdomain name for your new organization.
- Click NEXT. The JOIN TEHAMA dialog will appear. (This is the same user account-creation dialog that is seen from the 'Accept invitation' link found in the other invite emails.)
- "I already have an account", followed by a LOG IN button.
Note: The Tehama Web UI will display a warning banner if it is opened in a browser that is not one of Tehama's supported platforms. Your experience with the Tehama Web UI will be suboptimal if you continue with an unsupported browser. Instead, re-open the link in one of the browsers listed at the top of Tehama's About page.
User Account Creation
Having clicked on the link in the invite email, you will be presented with a page displaying the JOIN TEHAMA dialog, (after a few preliminary steps, if you are connecting a new organization to a room).
The first step is to create a new Tehama User Account for yourself.
NOTE: You may not see a JOIN TEHAMA dialog if ... you are joining an existing organization, and your organization's Org Admin user opted to enable Single Sign On (SSO) authentication. SSO allows organization members to use accounts from an identity provider to log in to Tehama. Users logging in with SSO for the first time will not be required to set up a Tehama user account for themselves, as Tehama user accounts will have been created for them from their identity provider accounts. The organization's Org Admin user may continue to log in to the organization using their Tehama credentials (or Google credentials) that they set up when they first created their own Tehama user accounts. You can find more information on SSO in the Corporate Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication and User Provisioning guide.
From the JOIN TEHAMA dialog, choose a method of authentication and create your user account:
IMPORTANT: Once you have selected and signed up with one of the two methods of authentication, Tehama credentials, or Google credentials, you will not be able to change your selection to the other one.
Create a Tehama User Account for this organization with the "Tehama Credential with MFA" authentication method:
- Fill in the following fields on the JOIN TEHAMA dialog:
Field Description Name First and Last Name (auto-populated) (this will be the full name of your personal User (organization member) account in this organization) Password Your desired password Confirm Password Confirm desired password
- Note that Tehama's password policy is enforced as follows:
- 90-day forced expiration.
- Minimum of 12 characters.
- Maximum of 32 characters.
- At least one numerical.
- At least one upper case.
- At least one lower case.
- And at least one special character
- special characters include: !@#$%^&-=_+;':",./?<>{}[]()|).
2. Take some time to browse Tehama's terms by clicking on terms. (Note: Terms of service are not shown to members of organizations that have enabled custom terms of service.)
3. Click on REGISTER. A dialog to set up Google Authenticator will appear.
- Set up a Google Authenticator application on a secondary device (e.g.: tablet or phone). See the section on 2FA authentication in the Authentication User Guide.
- Click NEXT. The Tehama LOGIN dialog will appear.
Create a Tehama User Account for this organization with the Google Credential authentication method:
If you see a button at the bottom of the JOIN TEHAMA dialog with the text SIGN UP WITH GOOGLE, you can choose to sign up with your existing Google Account.
To use this type of authentication, your Google account must be for the same email-address that your invite email was sent to.
Your Google credentials (username/password) will be the login credentials for your Tehama User Account.
- Click on the SIGN UP WITH GOOGLE button.
- Next:
- If you already have a Google account (remember it must be for the same email-address that your invite email was sent to), select it. The Tehama LOGIN dialog will appear.
- If you do not already have a Google account (remember it must be for the same email-address that your invite email was sent to), click on Create account and follow through the steps to create a Google account. The Tehama LOGIN dialog will appear.
Initial Log in
Following along from the previous step where you created your Tehama User Account, you will see the LOGIN dialog.
If you are not automatically brought to the LOGIN dialog, go to the url
, where "mysubdomain" is your organization's subdomain. (See the section "Access your corporate Tehama portal login page" in the Authentication User Guide for more details.)
If you opted to sign up with the "Tehama Credential with MFA" authentication method:
- Enter your username.
- Enter your password.
- NOTE: After entering five invalid passwords in a row, Tehama will lock your account for a period of 30 minutes. If you need to log in within that period, contact a manager in your organization or Tehama Support to reset your password.
- Click SIGN IN. The Two-factor authentication dialog will appear.
- Find your six-digit Authentication Code in the Google Authenticator application on your chosen secondary device and enter it into the dialog.
- NOTE: After entering five invalid MFA codes in a row, Tehama will lock your account for a period of 30 minutes. If you need to log in within that period, contact a manager in your organization or Tehama Support to reset your MFA code.
- Click LOG IN.
If you opted to sign up with the "Google Credential" authentication method:
- Next:
- If you are already logged in to your Google account, then you will be automatically logged in to Tehama.
- If you are not already logged in to your Google account, log in as you normally would to your Google account.
If your organization has enabled the Single Sign On (SSO) authentication method for your organization:
Follow the login procedure for your corporate identity provider.
The following is not applicable if your organization has enabled custom terms of service.
While you are using Tehama, Tehama continuously checks to see if you have accepted the latest Terms of Service (ToS). If a version of the ToS that is newer than the last one you accepted exists, you will be prompted to view and accept it. You are required to accept the latest ToS before you may proceed to interact with Tehama through the Web UI.
WARNING: Failure of the 'Org Admin' user for the organization to accept the latest ToS within fifteen days of issuance may result in the suspension of the organization's account.
See the 'Terms of Service' in the Authentication User Guide for more information on accepting the Terms of Service.
Organization Support Plan
This step and the next step, 'Organization Registration', are only relevant if you were invited to join to create an organization, or to connect to a Room, which required you to create an organization. If you were invited to join an existing organization, skip this step and the next and proceed to Profile Page Completion.
Upon a successful login, you will be directed to the SUPPORT PLAN page, entitled 'Welcome to TEHAMA'.
This page shows the support plan for your organization. Click CONTINUE to confirm that you have agreed to subscribe to this plan. (This plan can be changed at any time.)
Organization Registration
You should have been directed to the ORGANIZATION DETAILS page. If you were not, then click on the ORGANIZATION tab in the navigation bar. The landing page should be ORGANIZATION DETAILS.
Complete all required fields and correct any mistakes the inviter may have made in your Organization's contact details.
Fields to complete:
- Organization name (Auto-populated)
- Country
- Address
- City
- State/Province
- ZIP/Postal Code
- Phone Number
Profile Page Completion
You should then be directed to your Tehama Profile page where you can enter personal profile details for yourself. If you are not, then open the User menu at the bottom left and select Profile and then the sidebar item PROFILE.
Note: Profile completion is optional for users who opted to log in with their Google credentials or who have logged in using SSO. It is also optional for users with Staff and Room Manager roles. These users will be directed to either the DESKTOPS page (Staff) or the ROOMS page (all other roles). These users can opt to view/edit their profiles at a later time. To view your profile: Open the User menu at the bottom left, then select Profile, then select the sidebar item PROFILE.
Certain fields in your profile can affect your ability to meet to Room policies criteria, which you must meet to be granted access to a Room with a policy assigned to it, so we generally encourage you to fill this out completely.
Fields to complete:
- Name (full name) (Auto-populated)
- Title
- Email (Auto-populated)
- Phone
- Country
- Address
- ZIP/Postal Code
- City
- State/Province
- Country of Citizenship
Press SAVE.
Email Customization
You can work with Tehama Support to customize select emails that are sent out by Tehama on your behalf. If this is something your organization would like to do, contact Tehama Support to start the process.
Next Steps
At this point you are ready to take your next steps in the Getting Started with Tehama Room Creation guide.
Probable next steps:
If you were invited to connect to a Room, ...
... then you should be directed to the page for the Room in the Tehama Web UI. Your next step will be one of the following:
If the Room is completely configured/built, then you have been invited to join the Room as a third-party (AKA user) organization. Follow the instructions here:
Note, the invitation emails are identical for both of these 'connect to a Room' scenarios.
If you were invited to create an organization, ...
... then you are now the Org Admin user in your new organization. Your next step is, typically, to create a Room. Check out the Choose a Room type section in the Getting Started with Tehama Room Creation guide.
You may decide to delegate Room creation to an Org or Room Manager member in the organization. In that case, skip over the Getting Started with Tehama Room Creation guide to the Organization Member Administration section of the Getting Started with Tehama Administration guide and add an Org Manager or Room Manager member to your organization.
If you were invited to join as a team member, ...
... then you should, upon completing and saving your profile page, be re-directed to the ROOMS page for your organization. If not, click the ROOMS tab in the navigation bar. (Staff members are directed to the DESKTOPS page.)
If you were invited as part of setting up a new Room, you should see the Room in the Room list in the main area. This Room is where you will access your Desktops and perform your work.
If not, you are probably done for now unless you were invited by someone in your organization as an Org/Room Manager to create a Room. In which case, check out the Choose a Room type section in the Getting Started with Tehama Room Creation guide.