Connection Test Tool User Guide
Tehama provides a Connection Test tool that you can use to test connections. This tool is available from both the Tehama Web UI and the Desktop Agent on your Room's Desktops.
If your Room has 'Network Access' set to:
- 'Tehama Gateway', the connections will be tested through your Room's Tehama Gateway(s). Note: If your Room has the Multiple Gateways option enabled, providing network access redundancy by running two Tehama Gateway instances, then the Connection Test tool will test connections through both Gateways.
- 'Internet Only', the connections will be tested through your Room's connection infrastructure for this type of access.
- 'Multi-Path', no testing is possible through the tool. The Connection Test tool is not currently available for Rooms with 'Network Access' set to 'Multi-Path'.
The 'Network Access' setting is found on the Room's CONNECTION tab in the STATUS sidebar item.
Running tests on the tool from the Tehama Web UI will run the tests from the Gateway host machine when the network access is 'Tehama Gateway', and it will run the tests from the connection infrastructure when the network access is 'Internet Only'.
Running tests on the tool from the Desktop/Workspace Agent in a running session of one of your Room's Desktops will perform the same tests as from the Tehama Web UI with additional testing directly from the Desktop (AKA workspace).
How do I access the Connection Test tool?
All Room members from any of the organizations in a Room can access the Room's connection-test tool page and run a connection test.
From the Tehama Web UI:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to perform the test in. You will see the user interface for the Room.
- Click on the Room's CONNECTION tab.
- Select the CONNECTION TEST sidebar item.
From the Desktop Agent:
- Connect to a Desktop session.
- Open the Desktop Agent application.
- Click on the CONNECTION TEST tab.
How do I test a connection?
- Enter the domain or IP address you wish to test into the Domain or IP address field:
This must have the form:<ip-address or domain-name>
where:- a domain name (FQDN - fully qualified domain name) is, for example,
- an ip-address is, for example,
- a domain name (FQDN - fully qualified domain name) is, for example,
- Select the port you wish to test from the Port dropdown field.
The dropdown provides commonly used port values such as:- 22 (SSH),
- 3389 (RDP),
- 443 (SSL), and
- 80 (HTTP).
It also provides a Custom option. To specify a custom port, select Custom from the dropdown and type the port value you want to test in the field to the right of the dropdown. The port can be any value from 0 to 65535.
If you do not specify a port value (i.e.: the Port field reads "Select a value"), then the default port value will be used in the test. The default port value is '80'.
- Click the TEST button.
Examples of targets:
- IP address
and portCustom - 3306
. - IP address
and no port specified (defaults to 80). - Domain (FQDN)
and port443 (SSL)
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are testing with the correct port number. Be mindful that if you do not specify a port, the test is run with the default port value which is 80.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are testing with the form of the target address that you will be using. For example, if your application connects with the IP address of the target, test with the IP address. If your application connects with the FQDN (fully qualified domain name), test with the FQDN.
The results of the test will be displayed below the TEST button.
For example:
(image shows results when running from the Tehama Web UI for a Room with 'Network Access' set to 'Tehama Gateway', without the 'Multiple Gateways' option enabled - just one Gateway)
How do I interpret the connection test results?
The connection test is divided into stages. There are four stages when running it from the Tehama Web UI and five stages when running it from the Desktop Agent. Each stage reports a 'Success' or 'Failure' result in the test results. If a stage succeeds, the test moves on to the next stage. If a stage fails, the test stops. Read the results to see if the test ended in success or failure and, if failure, at what stage.
Here is a synopsis of the connection test stages.
Stage 1 Verify that the Tehama Gateway for your Room is running.
Not applicable for Rooms with 'Network Access' set to 'Internet Only'.In this stage the connection test checks that the Tehama Gateway for the Room, which runs inside your organization's network, is running. Success means the Tehama Gateway is running. Failure means it is not. All connectivity from a Desktop in a Tehama Room goes through the Tehama Gateway for that Room. If the Tehama Gateway is not running, then no connectivity is possible. (See the Tehama Gateway Room Connectivity User Guide for more details.) If this stage fails, contact the Room's connected organization's network support to get the Tehama Gateway running again.
Note, older versions of the Tehama Gateway do not support the connection test. If this stage detects one of these older versions, it will suggest that you update the Tehama Gateway for your Room and stop the test.
Stage 2 Analyse the Firewall Rules to check that the target is included in the rules.
In this stage the connection test goes through the firewall rules specified for the Room and checks for a rule that allows access to the target. If such a rule exists, then this stage of the test is successful, and you are allowed to access the target. If no such rule exists, then this stage of the test fails, and you are refused access to the target. If this stage fails, contact the Org Admin user or one of the Org Managers or the Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of the Room's connected organization to update the firewall rules appropriately for this target. (See the Firewall Rules User Guide for more details.)
Stage 3 Verify that the target is available from the Tehama Gateway machine.
Not applicable for Rooms with 'Network Access' set to 'Internet Only'.In this stage the connection test sends a TCP ping to the target from the machine on which the Tehama Gateway for the Room is running and checks the reply. A successful reply to the ping means that the target exists and is accepting connections from the Tehama Gateway's machine. An unsuccessful reply to the ping means that the target either does not exist, or cannot accept connections from the Tehama Gateway's machine. If this stage fails, make sure you have specified your target correctly, then contact the Room's connected organization's network support to look into this situation.
Stage 4 Verify that the Tehama Network is available to the Desktop (AKA workspace) Network.
In this stage the connection test sends a TCP ping to the Room's router (Tehama Network) from the Desktop subnet (Desktop Network) for the Room and checks the reply. (This simulates the test in Stage 5 run directly from a Desktop in the Room.) A successful reply to the ping means that the Room's router is available from the subnet. An unsuccessful reply to the ping means that the router is not reachable from the subnet. If this stage fails, contact Tehama support with the test id for the test.
Stage 5 Verify that the Tehama Network is available to the Desktop (AKA workspace).
This stage is only run when the test is initiated from the Desktop Agent in a Desktop.In this stage the connection test sends a TCP ping to the Room's router (Tehama Network) from the Desktop on which the test was initiated and checks the reply. A successful reply to the ping means that the Room's router is available from the Desktop. An unsuccessful reply to the ping means that the router is not available from the Desktop. If this stage fails, contact Tehama support with the test id for the test.
Note that each test that is run is assigned a unique test id. This is a string of letters, number and dashes. For example: 'fa752dcf-4a8e-430f-b1a5-40fb490b2e1b'. This is displayed at the top of the test results. You can use this test id to find references to this test in the Activity Stream or in the Tehama logs.