Room/Desktop Connectivity - Types, Status and Settings
Connectivity to resources in the internet and in private networks from your Tehama Desktop is provided through your Room's 'Network Access' infrastructure.
Tehama offers three types of network access:
Tehama's newest network access type is called Multi-Path. Multi-Path provides both internet access and the option to add connections to multiple private networks. (Unlike the 'Tehama Gateway' option, below, Multi-Path does not require a 'Gateway'.)
Tehama Gateway and Internet-Only are Tehama's other network access options. A Tehama Gateway Room requires a 'Gateway', a software binary, to be connected and can only be connected to one private network. An Internet-Only Room does not need a Gateway, but does not allow any access to private networks.
Monitor the status of your Room's connectivity, and manage its settings through your Room's connection STATUS page that is found under the Room's CONNECTION tab.
Access a Room's STATUS page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface. The tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- Click on the STATUS sidebar item.
The STATUS page provides the following capabilities:
Capabilities that are common across all three network access types:
Capabilities for the 'Multi-Path' network access type:
Links are to sections in the Multi-Path Room Connectivity User Guide
- Construct and connect a Multi-Path Room
- Build a Multi-Path Room's Infrastructure
- View a Multi-Path Room's status
- View a Multi-Path Room's Public IP and Ports
- View a Multi-Path Room's Subnet
- View the Connections table for a Multi-Path Room
- Configure a Connection in a Multi-Path Room
- Manage a Connection in a Multi-Path Room
- View the DNS Resolvers table for a Multi-Path Room
- Add a DNS Resolver in a Multi-Path Room
- Manage a DNS Resolver in a Multi-Path Room
Capabilities for the 'Tehama Gateway' network access type:
Links are to sections in the Tehama Gateway Room Connectivity User Guide
- Construct and connect a Tehama Gateway Room
- View a Tehama Gateway Room's status
- View a Tehama Gateway Room's Router IPs and Ports
- View a Tehama Gateway Room's Multiple Gateways setting
- Enable/Disable the 'Multiple Gateways' option in a Tehama Gateway Room
- View/Regenerate a Tehama Gateway Room's 'Access Key'
- View the Gateway table for a Tehama Gateway Room
- Update a Tehama Gateway Room's Gateway(s)
- Enable/Disable Gateway Auto-Update in a Tehama Gateway Room
Capabilities for the 'Internet-Only' network access type:
Links are to sections in the Internet-Only Room Connectivity User Guide
View a Room's status
The Org Admin user, the Org Managers and all Room members from any of the organizations in a Room can see the Room's status. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can see the Room's status.
NOTE: The Status column in the Rooms list under the ROOMS tab will show a more generic status for each Room - Healthy, Unhealthy, Pending, Impaired, Updating or Archived. The status described here that is found on the Room's status page provides more details.
View your Room's status on its status page as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface. The tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- Click on the STATUS sidebar item.
- Look at the top of the page. The Room's connection status is displayed in a status box found at the top of the page.
Status values for Tehama Gateway Rooms:
Your Room status will be one of the following:
- Pending Gateway Connection, before the Room's infrastructure has begun building, while the Room is waiting for the initial connection to a gateway.
- Creating Room, while the Room's infrastructure is building, triggered by the first gateway connection attempt it receives.
- Connected, after the Room's infrastructure has completed building, and a successful gateway connection has been made.
- Gateway Connection Warning, if the Gateway connection to the Room is impaired.
- Updating Room, if the Room's infrastructure is being updated.
- Failed to Create Room, if the Room's infrastructure failed to build successfully.
Status values for Internet-Only Rooms:
Internet-Only Rooms only display a status box on the Room's status page while the Room is building and after the Room is built.
You may have delayed the building of the Room during the creation process - if so, click the BUILD button to trigger the building of the Room. You will incur the cost of the Room when the Room's infrastructure begins to build.
Your Room status will be one of the following:
- Creating Room, while the Room is building.
- Built, after the Room has completed building successfully.
- Updating Room, if the Room's infrastructure is being updated.
- Failed to Create Room, if the Room's infrastructure failed to build successfully.
Status values for Multi-Path Rooms:
Multi-Path Rooms only display a status box on the Room's status page while the Room is building.
You must click on the BUILD ROOM INFRASTRUCTURE button to trigger the building of the Room. You will incur the cost of the Room when the Room's infrastructure begins to build.
While the Room is building, you will see the following Room status:
- Creating Room
After the Room has successfully completed building, the status box will disappear.
If you add connections to the Room, you will be able to view each individual connection's status in the CONNECTIONS table, midway down the page.
View a Room's region
The Org Admin user, the Org Managers and all Room members from any of the organizations in a Room can see the Room's region. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can see the Room's region.
A Room's region is the data storage location in which the Room's infrastructure is provisioned. Tehama offers access to data storage locations in different geographical regions around the world. Room regions are selected when the Room is created and cannot be changed.
View your Room's Region as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface. The tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- Click on the STATUS sidebar item.
- Look for the Room's Room Region field, which is found just under the status box at the top of the page.
View a Room's network access setting
The Org Admin user, the Org Managers and all Room members from any of the organizations in a Room can see the Room's network access setting. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can see the network access setting.
View your Room's Network Access setting as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface. The tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- Click on the STATUS sidebar item.
- Look for the Room's Network Access field, which is found just under the Room region near the top of the page.
Network Access options are:
- Multi-Path
When set to 'Multi-Path', your Room's 'connected network' is zero or more private networks managed by the Room's connected organization (as well as desired resources in the cloud), constrained by your Room's firewall settings and its DNS Filtering. IPSec VPN connections must be made to each private network. Rooms with this network access setting are called 'Multi-Path Rooms'. (See the Multi-Path Room Connectivity User Guide for more information on Multi-Path Rooms.) - Internet Only
When set to 'Internet Only', your Room's 'connected network' is a set of applications and services in the cloud constrained by your Room's firewall settings. Rooms with this network access setting are called 'Internet-Only Rooms'. (See the Internet-Only Room Connectivity User Guide for more information on Internet Only Rooms.) - Tehama Gateway
When set to 'Tehama Gateway', your Room's 'connected network' is a private network managed by the Room's connected organization (as well as desired resources in the cloud), constrained by your Room's firewall settings. A Tehama Gateway must be installed in the private network. Rooms with this network access setting are called 'Tehama Gateway Rooms'. (See the Tehama Gateway Room Connectivity User Guide for more information on Tehama Gateway Rooms.)
Change a Room's network access setting
Only the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's connected organization (owner+connected or connected-only) can change the Room's network access setting. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
It is not possible to change the network access setting of a Room that has Domain Join enabled. It must remain set to "Tehama Gateway". See the Room Domain Join User Guide for a description of the feature.
It is not possible to change the network access setting of an existing Room from 'Gateway' to another value while the 'Multiple Gateways' setting is enabled. See the Gateway Room Connectivity User Guide for more details on Rooms with this network access type. Section 'Enable/Disable the "Multiple Gateways" option in a Tehama Gateway Room' describes how to enable/disable the setting.
It is not possible to change the network access setting of an existing Room from 'Multi-Path' to another value. See the Multi-Path Room Connectivity User Guide for more details on Rooms with this network access type.
You can, however, in non-Domain-Join-Rooms, change the network access setting:
- from 'Tehama Gateway' to 'Internet-Only' - while the 'Multiple Gateways' setting is disabled.
- from 'Tehama Gateway' to 'Multi-Path' - while the 'Multiple Gateways' setting is disabled.
- from 'Internet-Only' to 'Tehama Gateway'.
- from 'Internet-Only' to 'Multi-Path'.
Change the Room's network access as follows:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface. The tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the CONNECTION tab.
- Click on the STATUS sidebar item.
- Look for the Room's Network Access field, which is found just under the status box at the top of the page.
- Click the CHANGE link next to the Network Access field. The CHANGE NETWORK MODE dialog will appear.
- Select the network access option you want from the dialog - 'Internet Only', 'Tehama Gateway' or 'Multi-Path'. (See above for a description of the options.)
- BE AWARE when switching to 'Multi-Path' that you cannot switch back, or to another option.
- Click the CONTINUE button in the dialog to proceed (or the X button in the top right corner of the dialog to dismiss the change). The confirmation message will appear in the dialog.
- Click the CONFIRM button to proceed, after reading the confirmation message (or the X in the top right corner of the dialog to dismiss the change).