Tehama Desktops are virtual Windows or Linux desktops. These desktops are cloud-based, making them easily accessible to anyone you make them available to.
An image of the desktop contains the operating system, software and settings of the desktop.
Before a desktop image is created, some things have to be done to make the desktop ready to be imaged.
Only the C:\ drive is contained in the image, all other drives do not make it into the image. Also, anything stored on your user profile (Desktop/Downloads/Documents.....etc) will not be a part of the image.
The following steps will aid in copying over personal items such as Browser bookmarks, desktop icons and Tehama DIA onto newly created child desktops from a custom image.
For users on Tehama Workspaces (Powered by Amazon Workspaces), there is an Image Preparation section at the bottom of this document we highly advise to follow.
Feel free to reach out to Tehama Support at any time for assistance in creating a custom image: support@tehama.io
Desktop Icon Backup
Tehama Desktop with Windows 2019
Desktop icons are located in c:\users\<username>\desktop
The desktop icons and user-space will not be included in a Custom Image. To preserve the Desktop icons, they must be copied to the public desktop located at: c:\users\Public\Public Desktop
(Note: “C:\User\ Public\Public Desktop” is a hidden directory. Enable ‘Hidden Items’ in views on the menu bar)
Tehama Desktop Powered by Amazon Workspaces
As the User Profile on a Tehama Desktop powered by Amazon Workspaces resides on the D drive. The desktop icons and user-space will not be included in a Custom Image. To preserve the Desktop icons, they must be copied to the public desktop located at: c:\users\Public\Public Desktop
The following are entirely optional steps to manually backup some of the settings on the desktop.
They are not needed to facilitate the image creation process.
Manual Desktop Icon Backup
- If you want to move your desktop shortcuts, copy your shortcuts to “C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop” (Note: “C:\User\ Public\Public Desktop” is a hidden directory. Enable ‘Hidden Items’ in views on the menu bar)
- The Tehama user profile is in the D:\ drive, and some applications save your user settings and data in the user profile directory which is located in the D:\ drive. If you intend to save those application settings and files, you should move those files and directories to the C:\ drive
Browser Backup
We have a suite of tools to help you backup your browser settings for both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.
- the Browser Settings Backup Utility will automate the backup and restore of all browser settings/shortcuts for both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. It can be downloaded here
Manual Google Chrome Backup and Restore
- Go to D:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data and copy the directory named ‘Default to the C:\ drive’
- After the image has been created, go to C:\ and copy the Default directory from where where you placed it and put it in the %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
Manual Google Internet Explorer Backup and Restore
- Copy all files with the .lnk and .url extensions to C:\Users\Public\Desktop
- Create a directory named ie-backup in C:\Tehama
- Go to Registry Editor, Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft and right click on Internet Explorer. Select ‘Export’.
- Enter a name for the .reg file that will be created and select the ie-backup directory you created earlier
- After the image has been created, go to C:\Tehama\ie-backup and import the .reg file you created
Tehama Workspace - Image Preparation (Powered by Amazon Workspaces)
To help ensure a successful Custom Image, a Tehama Workspace must first be prepared for imaging, Several files and scheduled tasks are not necessary and should be removed.
Our Technical Support Team has automated the process below for your benefit. You can simply download the tool here.
Alternatively, you can go through the manual steps
Manual Image Preparation (Tehama Workspace powered by Amazon Workspaces)
Preparing your desktop for the image creation process
- Complete all pending Windows updates including restarting the desktop to make sure updates are 100% complete
- Delete the tehama-info file in the C:\Tehama directory. The tehama-info file is a text file
- Delete the config.json file in the C:\Tehama directory
- Delete the .authToken file from the user directory (D:\Users\<username>\)
- Change the IPv4 Checksum offload vale:
- Go to Network and Sharing Center in Control Panel
- Under ‘view your active networks’, select ‘Ethernet’ with Access type: Internet
- Click ‘Properties’
- Select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’ and click on ‘Configure’
- Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab on the dialog box that comes and confirm that ‘IPv4 Checksum offload’ is selected, flip the value using the dropdown menu on the right-hand side, i.e., if it was set to "Rx & Tx enabled", change the value to "Disabled", and vice versa
- Turn off Windows Security or Windows Defender
- Turn off Windows Firewall for all Profiles
- Delete SessionStatus task on Task Scheduler
- Run the ImageChecker tool
- Go to C:\Program Files\Amazon
- Double click on the ImageChecker application, click ‘Yes’ on the User Account Control dialog
- Click ‘Run’ on the Amazon Workspaces Imager Checker Tool and wait for the process to complete
Once all the tests are passed, your Tehama Desktop is ready for the image creation process
After the image has been created, you have to go into your new desktop and make a few changes
- Enable Windows Firewall for all profiles
- Turn on Windows Security or Windows Defender