Desktops User Guide
A Tehama Desktop is a shared or individual virtual computer hosted in a Room. It is a workspace from which you can securely work with assets of the connected organization for the Room.
A Tehama Desktop is an instance of a Desktop template, which is defined in a Room. A template describes the configuration of the Desktop instances to be generated from it. A user in the Room is assigned to one of the Room's templates, and a Desktop instance is generated from the template for the user. The user can then connect to their Desktop instance to perform work.
A Room can have multiple Tehama Desktop templates defined, and multiple users can be assigned to each template. (See the Desktop Concurrency Limits section below to find out the maximum number of Desktops (Desktop instances) in a Room that can be in use concurrently, i.e.: the maximum number of concurrent Desktop sessions.)
The Room configures which assets are accessible from its Desktops through its encrypted secrets vault, firewall rules, and, optionally, DNS filtering (which is only available in Multi-Path Rooms).
All work performed using a Tehama Desktop is recorded and auditable.
Tehama offers both Windows Desktops and Linux Desktops. All desktops are persistent. Desktops with 16GB RAM or more do not support hibernation.
Note that, as a SaaS platform, all Tehama Windows and Linux Desktop license costs are built in to the cost of your Tehama Subscription Plan.
Desktop vs Workspace
The user may be confused by the use of the terms "Desktops" and "Workspaces" within Tehama.
Many people refer to desktops as workspaces. The terms are interchangeable.1
The documentation uses the term Tehama Desktops.
All Tehama Desktops contain Tehama's Desktop Agent, which is interchangeably referred to as the Workspace Agent.
1. To confuse matters, Tehama offers a Desktop type called "Workspaces", based on AWS Workspace® bundles. This is just one of three available Tehama Desktop types. Workspace Desktops are approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Workspace Desktops in new Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from all Rooms by October 1st 2022. See Workspace Desktops (Legacy) for more details. ↩
Windows Desktops
Tehama currently offers one Windows-based desktop type, the Windows Desktop.
(A second Windows-based desktop type, the Workspace Desktop, exists but is approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Desktops of this type in Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from Tehama by October 1st 2022. See Workspace Desktops (Legacy) for more details.)
If the name of your Desktop's specification begins with "Windows Server <version> - ", then your Desktop is a Windows Desktop.
The Windows Desktop desktop type provides a Virtual Desktop environment connected via PCoIP to a Windows-based server. It is offered with a range of hardware and software options. (See the Pricing Model for more details.) The Windows Desktops feature provides a fixed CPU performance level for all its options. The currently available Operating System is Windows Server 2019.
Contact Tehama Support to enable or disable this feature in your Room, or you may enable/disable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Windows Desktop section in the Rooms User Guide.
Access to Windows Desktop desktop template creation functionality is provided as a Room feature - the Windows Desktop Room feature. A Tehama Room may have the Windows Desktop feature enabled or disabled. When the feature is enabled, the Org Admin and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of the Room's owner organization are able to create desktop templates of this type, from the WINDOWS DESKTOPS sidebar menu item on the Room's CONFIGURE tab. When the feature is disabled, this sidebar menu item is not available (note - in Rooms created before March 2022, the Workspace desktop type may still be available).
Linux Desktops
Tehama currently offers one Linux-based desktop type, the Linux Desktop.
If the name of your Desktop's specification begins with "Ubuntu Server <version> - ", then your Desktop is a Linux Desktop.
The Linux Desktop desktop type provides a Virtual Desktop environment connected via PCoIP to a Linux-based server. It is offered with a range of hardware and software options. (See the Pricing Model for more details.) The Linux Desktop provides a fixed CPU performance level for all its options. The currently available Operating System is Ubuntu Server 18.04.
Contact Tehama Support to enable or disable this feature in your Room, or you may enable/disable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Linux Desktop section in the Rooms User Guide.
Access to Linux Desktop desktop template creation functionality is provided as a Room feature - the Linux Desktop Room feature. A Tehama Room may have the Linux Desktop feature enabled or disabled. When the feature is enabled, the Org Admin and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of the Room's owner organization enabled, are able to create desktop templates of this type of desktop from the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar menu item on the Room's CONFIGURE tab. When the feature is disabled, this sidebar menu item is not available.
Desktop Concurrency Limits
While a Room can contain as many as 500 Desktop instances and an unlimited number of Room members, to ensure optimum performance the maximum number of concurrent Desktop sessions per Room is limited to 75 when the Recordings Room feature is enabled and limited to 200 concurrent Desktop sessions when the Recordings Room feature is disabled. (See the Desktop Session Auditing/Recordings User Guide for more details.)
In other words, there can only be 75 (or 200 when Recordings are disabled) Desktop sessions active at one time, regardless of how many Desktop instances belong to the Room.
If, while looking at the entry for one of your Desktops, in either the DESKTOPS page or the My Desktops page in the Room's WORK tab, you see the word UNAVAILABLE next to the desktop's name instead of the CONNECT button, it means there are 75 sessions (or 200 sessions when Recordings are disabled) currently active in that Room and you will not be able to start another Desktop session until one of the currently active sessions ends.
If your organization requires more than the maximum concurrent active sessions (75 when Recordings are enabled and 200 when Recordings are disabled), you will need to create multiple Rooms. You are encouraged to contact Tehama Support if you would like assistance in optimizing your Room environment for performance and availability, taking your auditing/recording needs into consideration.
Multi-monitor Support
Multi-monitor support applies to all available Desktop types.
Tehama supports multi-monitor Desktops, in which you enable full-screen and your full-screen setting spans multiple monitors, up to a maximum of two monitors for Desktops in Rooms that have session recording enabled (this is the default Room recording setting).
If three or more monitors are detected during a Desktop session that is being recorded, the Desktop user will be shown a warning to switch to two or one monitors within thirty seconds, or their session will be terminated. If three or more monitors still remain after thirty seconds has elapsed, the user will be logged out of their Desktop.
Three or more monitors are ONLY supported in the case where the Desktop's Room has session recording disabled.
NOTE: To toggle off full-screen in your 'Workspace' Desktop instance, use the AWS Workspace hotkey Ctrl-Alt-Enter.
Contact Tehama Support to discuss enabling/disabling the 'Session Recordings' Room feature, or you may enable/disable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Recordings section in the Rooms User Guide.
Tehama Desktop Agent/Workspace Agent
Each Desktop instance contains a 'Tehama Desktop Agent' application, interchangeably referred to as the 'Workspace Agent', which runs continuously in the background during each Desktop session, and provides access to tools and services in the Room through its user interface.
Look at the section 'Start Desktop Agent' below to see how to bring up its user interface.
Tools/services available through the Desktop Agent user interface include:
The Desktop Agent also provides, through its About page, information about your Desktop, including organization, Room and Desktop names and IDs, as well as the agent's current version.
Updates for the Desktop Agent are automatically detected and installed during Desktop sessions, but the agent will not restart. To run the latest Desktop Agent, stop and restart your Desktop session.
Desktop Actions Overview
The actions you can perform on a Desktop template or a Desktop instance depend on your role in your organization and the role your organization has in the Room containing the Desktop.
Actions are roughly divided into those that can be done only by a privileged user and those that can be done by both a privileged user and a non-privileged user, where:
Privileged user:
The Org Admin user or Org Manager or Room Manager (who is a member of the Room) of a Room's owner organization (owner+connected or user+owner), that is, the organization that is paying the bills. Since each Desktop created incurs a cost to the organization that owns the Room, the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of this organization have the privilege of deciding whether or not a Desktop Template is created and how many instances of it there can be.
Non-privileged user: Every other member of the Room.
(See the Roles User Guide for information about user and organization roles.)
Tehama Web UI Desktop action interfaces
Desktop template action interfaces:
Desktops templates are managed (added, edited, etc.) by the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of the Room's owner organization from the WINDOWS DESKTOPS and LINUX DESKTOPS pages under the Room's CONFIGURE tab in the Tehama Web UI.
Desktop instances action interfaces:
Users can connect to their Desktop instances, (and restart them etc.) from the MY DESKTOPS page in the Room's WORK tab and also from the Tehama Web UI's DESKTOPS tab, which shows all the Desktops the user can access across all Rooms in the user's organization.
View all Desktop templates in your Room
Only the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's owner organization (owner+connected or user+owner) can see the lists of the Desktops templates in the Room under the CONFIGURE -> WINDOWS/LINUX DESKTOPS pages. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can view Desktop templates.
To see your Room's Desktop templates:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's CONFIGURE tab.
- Select the appropriate sidebar item:
- For Windows Desktop templates, click the WINDOWS DESKTOPS sidebar item.
- For Linux Desktop templates, click the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item.
To see Desktop template details:
- Click on the three vertical dots under the Actions column for an entry in the list.
- Select the "Edit" menu item. You will see the details for the template, including the list of Room members that are assigned to the template.
View Desktops for a member in your Org
All members of an organization can view a list of Desktops for each member of their organization from the MEMBERS tab for the organization. (The list will contain the names of the Desktop templates to which the member has been assigned. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template they are assigned to.)
You can view the Desktops for a member in your organization from the organization's MEMBERS tab as follows:
(Note, the organization's MEMBERS tab shows the names, up to the first five, of the Desktop templates that each member is assigned to. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template they are assigned to.)
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the MEMBERS tab.
- Select the "All Members" option in the team-selector field. This provides a list of all the members in your organization.
- Locate the entry for the member you are interested in.
- Observe the names of the Desktop templates to which the member is assigned, under the Desktops Assigned column. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template that they are assigned to.
Note: If there is more than one Desktop template assigned to the member, just the number of assigned Desktop templates is shown - click on the tooltip beside the number to see their names, up to the first five.
View Desktops for a member in your Room
Org Admin users and Org Managers of organizations who have a stake in the Room, and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) and all members of the Room can view the 'Desktops Assigned' column in the lists of members under the Room's MEMBERS tab. (The column displays a list, for each member, that contains the names of the Desktop templates to which the member has been assigned. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template they are assigned to.)
Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
You can view the Desktops for a member in your Room from the Room's MEMBERS tab as follows:
(Note, the MEMBERS tab shows the names, up to the first five, of the Desktop templates that each member is assigned to. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template they are assigned to.)
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the user interface for the Room. The Room tabs you will see depends on the role you have within your organization.
- Click on the Room's MEMBERS tab. You will see the list of organizations with access to the Room. (Members of user (third-party) organizations in the Room will only see their own organization.)
- Locate the organization that the member you are interested in belongs to.
- To the left of the organization name, Click the drop-down arrow
icon. You will see the list of members for in the Room from this organization.
- Locate the entry for the member you are interested in.
- Observe the Desktop templates that the member is assigned to, under the Desktops Assigned column. The member will have a Desktop instance for each template that they are assigned to.
Note: If there is more than one Desktop template assigned to the member, just the number of assigned Desktop templates is shown - click on the tooltip beside the number to see their names, up to the first five.
Note: If your want to see just your own Desktop instances (one for each Desktop template in the Room that you are assigned to, you can see a complete list under the Room's WORK -> MY DESKTOPS page. See the section View your Desktops in your Room.
View your Desktops in your Org
Any user in an organization can see the list of all their Desktops in the DESKTOPS tab for the organization.
To see the list of your Desktops in your organization, do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Verify that the DESKTOPS option at the top of the page is selected. You will see a table of Desktop instances. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see options at the top of the DESKTOPS page; the page you see is the equivalent of the DESKTOPS option. Otherwise, your options are DESKTOPS and IMAGES. DESKTOPS is the default option.)
- Click the My Desktops radio button at the top of the page. Your Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name and the Room name. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. The list will be restricted to only your assigned Desktops by default.)
You will see a list of all of your Desktops in the organization. Each entry will contain the name of the Desktop template that the Desktop instance was created from, and the name of the Room it belongs to.
View your Desktops in your Room
Only a user assigned to a Desktop template in a Room can see the Desktop instance generated from that template in the Room's WORK -> MY DESKTOPS page.
To see the list of your Desktops in your Room, do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's WORK tab.
- Click on the MY DESKTOPS sidebar item.
You will see a list of all of your Desktops in the Room. Each entry will contain the name of the Desktop template that the Desktop instance was created from.
Note: You can also see a list of your Desktops in the Room in your member entry in the Room's MEMBERS tab, under the Desktops Assigned column. (The column will show the names of the Desktop templates to which you have been assigned, up to the first five. You will have a Desktop instance for each assigned template.) See the section View Desktops for a member in your Room.
View all Desktops in your Org
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can view a list of all Desktops in the organization, with the restriction that they can only see Desktops that belong to Rooms that they themselves are members of. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
To see the list of all Desktops in your organization (in Rooms that you are a member of), do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Verify that the DESKTOPS option at the top of the page is selected. You will see a table of Desktop instances. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see options at the top of the DESKTOPS page; the page you see is the equivalent of the DESKTOPS option. Otherwise, your options are DESKTOPS and IMAGES. DESKTOPS is the default option.)
- Click the All Desktops radio button at the top of the page. The Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name, the Room name, and the assigned user.(NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. This feature is not available to you. You can only view your own Desktop instances.)
You will see a list of all the Desktops in your organization, restricted to those in Rooms of which you yourself are a member. Each entry will contain the name of the Desktop template that the Desktop instance was created from, the name of the Room that the template belongs to, and the name of the member assigned to that instance.
Note: Click the My Desktops radio button at the top of the page to see only your own Desktops. You can also see a list of only your own Desktops, up to the first five, in your member entry in the organization's MEMBERS tab, under the Desktops Assigned column. (The column will display the names of the Desktop templates to which you are assigned; you will have a Desktop instance for each assigned template.) See the section View Desktops for a member in your Org.
View in-use Desktops in your Org
The Org Admin user and Org/Room Managers of an organization can view a list of the Desktops that are in-use that are in Rooms that they are members of (Rooms within the organization). Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
An 'in-use' Desktop is a Desktop that currently has an ongoing Desktop session.
To see the list of in-use Desktops in your organization (in Rooms that you are a member of), do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Verify that the DESKTOPS option at the top of the page is selected. You will see a table of Desktop instances. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see options at the top of the DESKTOPS page; the page you see is the equivalent of the DESKTOPS option. Otherwise, your options are DESKTOPS and IMAGES. DESKTOPS is the default option.)
- Click the In use radio button at the top of the page. The in-use Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name, the Room name, and the assigned user. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. This feature is not available to you. You can only see a list of your own Desktop instances.)
You will see a list of the Desktops in your organization that are in-use. Each entry will contain the name of the Desktop template that the Desktop instance was created from, the name of the Room the template belongs to, and the name of the member assigned to that instance.
Add/Create a Desktop template
Only the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's owner organization (owner+connected or user+owner) can add/create a new Desktop template to the Room directly. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
Desktop templates represent a desktop configuration document from which Tehama Desktop instances are generated. They define the type ('Windows Desktops' or 'Linux Desktops'), specification/image (CPU/memory/apps: standard, pro, custom etc.) and various other characteristics. They also contain a list of assigned Room members. Each assigned Room member has a Desktop instance generated from the Desktop template to connect to.
Steps to add/create a Desktop template vary by type:
NOTE: You can also add Desktop templates to your Room from the Room's MEMBERS tab. See section Assign members to Desktop template in the Room Membership User Guide.
add a Windows template
The 'Windows Desktops' desktop type is Tehama's Windows-based desktop offering.
(A second Windows-based desktop type, the Workspace Desktop, exists but is approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Desktops of this type in Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from Tehama by October 1st 2022. See Workspace Desktops (Legacy) for more details.)
To add a new Desktop template of type 'Windows Desktops', do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's CONFIGURE tab.
- Click the WINDOWS DESKTOPS sidebar item.
Note: If you do not see the WINDOWS DESKTOPS sidebar item, then 'Windows Desktops' is not enabled for your Room. Stop now and enable Windows Desktops in your Room, then try again.
- Contact Tehama Support to enable Windows Desktops in your Room, or you may enable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Windows Desktop section in the Rooms User Guide.
- Click the ADD WINDOWS DESKTOP TEMPLATE button at the top right of the page. This will display the ADD WINDOWS DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog.
Note: You may instead see the WINDOWS DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog, showing you two choices:
◯ Tehama Windows Desktop
◯ Workspace
If you see this dialog, then your Room has enabled both 'Windows Desktops' and 'Workspace Desktops' enabled. Select 'Tehama Windows Desktop' and then click CHOOSE TEMPLATE. You will then see the ADD WINDOWS DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog.- Workspace Desktops are approaching end-of-life, and you should consider disabling them in your Room. See Workspace Desktops (Legacy) for more details.
- Enter the name of the Desktop template (a friendly name used to identify the Desktop function or owner) in the Please enter a name field.
- In the Image field, choose one of the supported CPU and memory configurations for your virtual machine.
- Certain Desktop images in the dropdown list may not be available in all regions. Read through the list of supported Desktop specifications/images by region to see what is currently supported in your Room's region.
Note: If the options in the Image field all begin with 'Windows 10 - ', then your Room has only 'Workspace Desktops' enabled. 'Windows Desktops' - the type of Desktop template you are trying to create here - are not enabled for your Room. Stop now and enable Windows Desktops in your Room, then try again.
- Contact Tehama Support to enable Windows Desktops in your Room, or you may enable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Windows Desktop section in the Rooms User Guide.
- Workspace Desktops are approaching end-of-life, and you should consider disabling them in your Room. See Workspace Desktops (Legacy) for more details.
- Certain Desktop images in the dropdown list may not be available in all regions. Read through the list of supported Desktop specifications/images by region to see what is currently supported in your Room's region.
- Click on the CREATE DESKTOPS FOR MEMBERS button. The CREATE DESKTOP(S) dialog will appear. (Click on the arrow to the left of the dialog title to return to the previous dialog.)
- Click on the Users field to open the list of Room members that you can assign to this Desktop template.
- Select the name(s) of the Room members that you wish to assign to this Desktop template. A separate Desktop instance will be created for each user. (Tehama can create up to five Desktop instances at one time. You can edit the Desktop template after creation in order to add more. There must be at least one name specified. At this time, a template cannot be created without at least one Room member assigned to it.)
- Click CHOOSE DESKTOP OPTIONS. The ENABLE DESKTOP ADMIN RIGHTS dialog will appear. (Note, if your Room is a domain joined Room, then this dialog is skipped - your Windows Desktop will inherit its privileges from the domain.)
- Place a checkmark in the checkbox beside the sentence "Give desktop admin rights to desktop(s)" if you wish to allow the members the ability to install apps and modify system settings. Leave it unchecked otherwise.
- Click REVIEW. The REVIEW dialog will appear.
- Read the disclaimer (if any) and review the specification details. (Note, you may be required to accept terms and conditions.)
- Click CREATE. The SUCCESS dialog will appear.
- Click CLOSE. An entry for the new Desktop template will appear in the list of Desktop templates on the page. Room members that are assigned to the Desktop template will be able to connect to the Desktop instance built from this template for them from the MY DESKTOPS page under the WORK tab in the Room.
add a Linux template
The 'Linux Desktops' desktop type is Tehama's Linux-based desktop offering.
To add a new Desktop template of type 'Linux Desktops', do the following:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's CONFIGURE tab.
- Click the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item.
- Note, you will not see the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item, if your Room does not have the Linux Desktops feature enabled.
Note: If you do not see the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item, then 'Linux Desktops' is not enabled for your Room. Stop now and enable Linux Desktops in your Room, then try again.
- Contact Tehama Support to enable Linux Desktops in your Room, or you may enable this feature through the Room Settings interface. See the Enable/Disable Linux Desktop section in the Rooms User Guide.
- Note, you will not see the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item, if your Room does not have the Linux Desktops feature enabled.
- Click on the ADD LINUX DESKTOP TEMPLATE button at the top right of the page. This will display the ADD LINUX DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog.
- Enter the name of the Desktop template (a friendly name used to identify the Desktop function or owner) in the Please enter a name field.
- In the Operating System field, choose the operating system. Currently the only supported choice is Ubuntu 18.04.
- In the Image field, choose the image (hardware specifications). Once a value has been selected, values for it will appear in the dialog.
- Certain Desktop images in the dropdown list may not be available in all regions. Read through the list of supported Desktop specifications/images by region to see what is currently supported in your Room's region.
- Click on the CREATE DESKTOPS FOR MEMBERS button. The CREATE DESKTOP(S) dialog will appear. (Click on the arrow to the left of the dialog title to return to the previous dialog.)
- Click on the Users field to open the list of Room members that you can assign to this Desktop template.
- Select the name(s) of the Room members that you wish to assign to this Desktop template. A separate Desktop instance will be created for each user. (Tehama can create up to five Desktop instances at one time. You can edit the Desktop template after creation in order to add more. There must be at least one name specified. At this time, a template cannot be created without at least one Room member assigned to it.)
- Place a checkmark in the checkbox beside the sentence "Give desktop admin rights to desktop(s)" if you wish to allow the members the ability to install apps and modify system settings. Leave it unchecked otherwise.
- Click REVIEW. The REVIEW dialog will appear.
- Review the specification details.
- Click CREATE. The SUCCESS dialog will appear.
- Click CLOSE. An entry for the new Desktop template will appear in the list of Desktop templates on the page. Room members that are assigned to the Desktop template will be able to connect to the Desktop instance built from this template for them from the MY DESKTOPS page under the WORK tab in the Room.
Edit a Desktop template
Only the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's owner organization (owner+connected or user+owner) can edit an already approved Desktop template in the Room. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
NOTE: You can also edit the users assigned to a Desktop template from the Room's MEMBERS tab. See section Assign members to Desktop in the Room Membership User Guide.
To edit an existing/approved Desktop template:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's CONFIGURE tab.
- Click on either the WINDOWS DESKTOPS sidebar item or the LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item, depending on the type of Desktop template to be edited.
- Locate the Desktop template you wish to edit.
- Click on the three vertical dots under the Actions column in the entry you wish to edit, then select 'Edit'. This will display the EDIT WINDOWS DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog for Windows-based Desktop templates, or the EDIT LINUX DESKTOP TEMPLATE dialog for Linux-based Desktop templates.
- Make your changes in the dialog. Note that only a subset of the fields in the dialog are editable. The Desktop Template name field and the Users field are editable, but the specification details are not.
- Click SAVE. Note that attempts to remove all users from a Desktop will result in an error.
Note: Tehama can create up to five Desktop instances at one time, so restrict the number of new members added to the Users field during each edit session to five.
Delete a Desktop template
The Org Admin users and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's owner organizations (owner+connected or user+owner) can delete already approved Desktop templates in the Room. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
To delete an existing/approved Desktop template:
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room you want to access. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's CONFIGURE tab.
- Click on the WINDOWS DESKTOPS or LINUX DESKTOPS sidebar item, depending on what type of Desktop you want to delete (Windows-based or Linux-based).
- Locate the Desktop template you wish to delete.
- Click on the three vertical dots under the Actions column in the entry you wish to delete, then select 'Delete'. The DELETE DESKTOPS dialog will appear.
- Read the warning message contained in the dialog. The warning will differ depending on the type of Desktop template you are deleting.
- Type the name of the Desktop template into the dialog to confirm deletion (case sensitive).
- Click DELETE.
Find Your Desktop in the Tehama Web UI
All members of a Room that have been assigned to a Desktop template in the Room will be able to view the Desktop instance generated for them from the template in the Tehama Web UI.
The Tehama Web UI provides lists of Desktop instances. You can perform actions on a Desktop from its list entry.
Desktops are identifiable by the combination of their names and the name of the Room they belong to.
Find your Desktop in the Tehama Web UI:
- Choose A or B.
A: find the Desktop in the list of all your Desktops in the organization- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Verify that the DESKTOPS option at the top of the page is selected. You will see a table of Desktop instances. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see options at the top of the DESKTOPS page; the page you see is the equivalent of the DESKTOPS option. Otherwise, your options are DESKTOPS and IMAGES. DESKTOPS is the default option.)
- Click the My Desktops radio button at the top of the page. Your Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name and the Room name.(NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. The list will be restricted to only your assigned Desktops by default.)
- Look for the entry in the list with your Desktop's template name and your Desktop's Room's name.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room to which your Desktop belongs. You will see the Room's interface. (You must have accepted the policy assigned as the "conditions of use" for your organization in the Room, in order to work in the Room. See section "Accept a policy/condition-of-use for an organization in a Room" in the Policies (Conditions of Use for Rooms) User Guide for more information.)
- Click the Room's WORK tab.
- Click on the MY DESKTOPS sidebar item.
- Look for the entry in the list with your Desktop's template name.
Each Desktop entry, in either the DESKTOPS page or the ROOMS -> WORK -> MY DESKTOPS page, has a CONNECT button, that you will use to connect to your Desktop, to begin work. But first, be sure to download the Tehama Client onto your device.
Download the Tehama Client onto Your Device
All members of a Room that have been assigned to a Desktop template in the Room will have access, through the Tehama Web UI, to the Tehama Client and the Teradici PCoIP Client downloads required to connect to Desktops from their devices.
The Tehama Client is required for launching a Desktop with a single-click. The Teradici PCoIP Client is used to launch a Desktop manually with credentials. (The Tehama Client uses Teradici PCoIP technology.)
Download and install the Tehama Client and the Teradici PCoIP Client on to your device before attempting to launch a Desktop from it.
This is a one time action per device.
You can find information about the Tehama Client and links to download it on the TEHAMA CLIENT page.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Click on the INSTALL CLIENT button in the top right of the page.
Perform the download and installation as described for your device in the relevant installation article:
- For Windows devices: Install Tehama Client on Windows
- For Linux devices: Install Tehama Client on Linux
- For Mac devices: Install Tehama Client on Mac
These articles describe how to download the client, clean up previous versions of the client on your device, install the client, and configure client permissions, where necessary.
You can test the single-click connect capability by clicking on the CONNECT button for any of your Desktops in the DESKTOPS page. This will launch your Desktop instance as a standalone application.
Connect to a Desktop (single click)
All members of a Room that have been assigned to a Desktop template in the Room can connect to their instance of the Desktop template.
Connect (launch and log in to), with a single click, to a Desktop (an instance of a Desktop template to which you are assigned) in order to work with the assets of the connected organization for the Room. While you are connected to a Desktop, that Desktop is considered to be 'in use' and a Desktop session is in progress.
To connect to a Desktop:
- Locate the entry for the Desktop to which you want to connect in the Tehama Web UI.
- Look for the CONNECT button in the entry.
- Note: If you see the word UNAVAILABLE next to the template's name instead of the CONNECT button, it means there are too many Desktop instances currently in use within the Room the template belongs to, and you will not be able to connect. A maximum of 75 Desktops can be in use within a Room concurrently when the Room has the Recordings Room feature enabled and a maximum of 200 Desktops when the Room has the Recordings Room feature disabled. (See the Desktop Session Auditing/Recordings User Guide for more details.)
- Note: If you see the word UNAVAILABLE next to the template's name instead of the CONNECT button, it means there are too many Desktop instances currently in use within the Room the template belongs to, and you will not be able to connect. A maximum of 75 Desktops can be in use within a Room concurrently when the Room has the Recordings Room feature enabled and a maximum of 200 Desktops when the Room has the Recordings Room feature disabled. (See the Desktop Session Auditing/Recordings User Guide for more details.)
- Click on the CONNECT button in the entry.
This will launch your Desktop instance as a standalone application.
Issues you might encounter:Tehama Client is not installed:IMPORTANT Your Desktop will fail to launch unless you have downloaded the Tehama Client and the Teradici PCoIP Client to your device.You need to accept the Room's conditions of use policy:
Follow the steps in section Download the Tehama Client onto Your Device. This is a one time action per device.If you see the ACCEPT POLICY dialog, it means that you have not yet accepted the policy currently assigned as the 'condition of use' for your organization in the Room (or it has been updated since you last accepted it). Click on GO TO POLICY in the dialog, to go to the Room's CONDITIONS OF USE page. CLick I ACCEPT to accept the policy; then navigate back to your desktop entry and click CONNECT again.You are in violation of the Room's conditions of use policy:If you see the DENIED ACCESS dialog, it means that you are in violation of the policy currently assigned as the 'condition of use' for your organization in the Room. Contact your manager to determine the nature of the violation.
(See the Policies (Conditions of Use for Rooms) User Guide for information on policies.)
A sequence of dialogs will let you know the stage of your connection request.
- Stage 1 - Desktop Preparation: The PREPARING YOUR DESKTOP... dialog will appear while your Desktop is preparing for launch (for example, your desktop may be starting, or it may be coming out of hibernation). This dialog will remain visible until the Desktop is ready to launch.
Note, if for some reason, your Desktop failed to prepare itself for the launch stage successfully, the PREPARATION FAILED dialog will appear. You can retry the connection through the "Retry" link found on this dialog. - Stage 2 - Desktop Launch: The LAUNCHING YOUR DESKTOP... dialog will appear. This dialog will remain visible for a number of minutes while your Desktop launches.
You will see a message asking you to allow the Tehama application that launches the Desktop to open. You must allow the application to open, in order to launch your Desktop.- On Mac:
Message: "Open".
Click on Open to allow the app to open. - On Linux:
Message: "Open xdb-open?".
Click on Open xdb-open to allow the app to open. - On Windows:
Message: "Open Microsoft© Windows Based Script Host".
Click on Open Microsoft© Windows Based Script Host to allow the app to open.
Optional: Check the box beside the "Always allow <your corporate portal> to open links of this type in the associated app", before clicking on the Open button, to permanently allow the application to open without having to see this message again. - On Mac:
- Stage 3 - Desktop Ready-for-use: The LAUNCH COMPLETE dialog will appear. At this point, your Desktop should be launched and ready for you to use.
Note, if for some reason your Desktop failed to launch, you can retry the connection from the for your desktop in the table entry or through the "Retry" link on the LAUNCH COMPLETE dialog. Alternately, you can try to connect to your Desktop by entering the login credentials for your Desktop into the Teradici PCoIP Client. You can copy the necessary credentials from the CONNECT WITH CREDENTIALS dialog that appears when you click on the "connect with credentials" link on the LAUNCH COMPLETE dialog. credentials. See section 'Connect to a Desktop (with credentials) via Teradici PCoIP Client'.
- Stage 1 - Desktop Preparation: The PREPARING YOUR DESKTOP... dialog will appear while your Desktop is preparing for launch (for example, your desktop may be starting, or it may be coming out of hibernation). This dialog will remain visible until the Desktop is ready to launch.
Connect to a Desktop (with credentials) via Teradici PCoIP Client
All members of a Room that have been assigned to a Desktop template in the Room can connect to their instance of the Desktop template.
If for some reason you have trouble connecting to your Desktop through the single-click CONNECT button for your desktop in the table entry or through the "Retry" link on the LAUNCH COMPLETE dialog, you can manually connect to your Desktop from the Teradici PCoIP Client's user interface with credentials.
IMPORTANT Your Desktop will fail to launch unless you have downloaded the Tehama Client and the Teradici PCoIP Client to your device.
Follow the steps in section Download the Tehama Client onto Your Device. This is a one time action per device.
- Attempt to Connect to a Desktop (single-click).
- From the LAUNCH COMPLETE dialog at the end of the launch sequence, click on the "Show Credentials" dropdown link. The host address/username/password credentials needed for manual connection will appear.
- Launch the Teradici PCoIP Client in your device. You should see its user interface appear.
- Copy the Host Address/Registration Code field value into the "Host Address or Code" field in the Teradici PCoIP Client.
Note: For convenience, in Tehama, copy buttons are available that automatically place the Host Address/Registration Code, User Name or Password into the clipboard.
Note: Desktop credentials are dynamic. The password is automatically rotated every five minutes. - Enter a name for this connection in the Teradici PCoIP Client's "Connection Name" field.
- Click NEXT in the Teradici PCoIP Client.
- Copy the User Name field value into the "Username" field in the Teradici PCoIP Client.
- Copy the Password field value into the "Password" field in the Teradici PCoIP Client. (To view the Password value as plaintext, click on the 'eye' symbol in the field.)
- Click LOGIN in the Teradici PCoIP Client. This will launch your Desktop instance as a standalone application.
Create a custom image of a Desktop template
Only the Org Admin user and Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) of a Room's owner organization (owner+connected or user+owner) can create a custom image, and they must be a member of the Room and be assigned to the Desktop template whose instance the custom image is to be based off of. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
Note that members of the Room who are Staff members of the Room's owner organization can see the option to create a custom image from Desktop templates they are assigned to, and they can attempt to do so, but will be denied permission when they attempt to trigger the creation by clicking the create button.
For information on creating and using Custom Images, please review the Custom Images User Guide.
Restart a Desktop
All members of a Room that have been assigned to a Desktop template in the Room, can restart their Desktop instance from the Room's WORK tab or from the top navigation bar's DESKTOPS tab, with the exception that Staff members are unable to restart shared Desktop instances.
Org Admins, Org Managers and Room Managers (who are members of the Room) can restart other Desktop instances in the Room from the top navigation bar's DESKTOPS tab. Check the description of your custom role, to see if you can perform this action.
The steps to restart a Desktop vary by type:
- Restart a Desktop from the top navigation bar's DESKTOPS tab
- Restart a Desktop from the Room's WORK tab
Restart a Desktop from the top navigation bar's DESKTOPS tab
Restart a Desktop from the Tehama Web UI top navigation bar's DESKTOPS tab.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the DESKTOPS tab.
- Verify that the DESKTOPS option at the top of the page is selected. You will see a table of Desktop instances. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see options at the top of the DESKTOPS page; the page you see is the equivalent of the DESKTOPS option. Otherwise, your options are DESKTOPS and IMAGES. DESKTOPS is the default option.)
- To restart:
- your own Desktop instance: Click the My Desktops radio button at the top of the page. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. The list will be restricted to only your assigned Desktops by default.) Your Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name and the Room name.
- a Desktop instance that is not yours: Click the All Desktops radio button at the top of the page. (NOTE: If you are a Staff member in the organization, you will not see this radio button. You are unable to restart Desktops that are not your own.) The Desktop instances will be uniquely identified by the template name, the Room name, and the name of the assigned user.
- Locate the entry with the name of the Desktop which you want to restart and the name of the Room to which it belongs.
- Click on the three vertical dots under the Actions column in the Desktop's entry.
- Select "Restart Desktop". This will display the RESTART DESKTOP dialog.
- Note: Staff members will not see the "Restart Desktop" option for their shared Desktop instances as they are not allowed to perform this action for those Desktops. Org Admins, Org Managers or Room Managers (who are members of the Room) can restart shared Desktop instances for Staff members from the DESKTOPS tab.
- Read the warning in the dialog: "Any currently connected users will be disconnected, and all unsaved work will be lost."
- If you wish to proceed with the restart (reboot) of your Desktop, select YES. Otherwise, select NO.
Note that the restart may take 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
Restart a Desktop from the Room's WORK tab
Restart a Desktop from the Tehama Web UI Room's WORK tab.
- Log in to the Tehama Web UI.
- Click on the ROOMS tab.
- Click on the name of the Room to which the Desktop you want to restart belongs. You will see the Room's interface.
- Click the Room's WORK tab.
- Click on the MY DESKTOPS sidebar item.
- Locate the entry with the name of the Desktop which you want to restart.
- Click on the three vertical dots under the Actions column in the Desktop's entry.
- Select "Restart Desktop". This will display the RESTART DESKTOP dialog.
- Note: Staff members will not see the "Restart Desktop" option for their shared Desktop instances as they are not allowed to perform this action for those Desktops. Org Admins, Org Managers or Room Managers (who are members of the Room) can restart shared Desktop instances for Staff members from the DESKTOPS tab.
- Read the warning in the dialog: "Any currently connected users will be disconnected, and all unsaved work will be lost."
- If you wish to proceed with the restart (reboot) of your Desktop, select YES. Otherwise, select NO.
Note that the restart may take 5 - 10 minutes to complete.
Start Desktop Agent
All members of a Room that have been assigned a Desktop in the Room can start the Desktop Agent from the menu of a connected session for that Desktop.
The Desktop Agent, AKA the Workspace Agent, will normally start up automatically in a Tehama Desktop session, and run in the background. It provides access to tools and services in the Room through its user interface. You can bring up its interface, (or, if it is not running, start it up) as follows:
For Desktops of type 'Windows Desktops':
Note: The Desktop/Workspace Agent no longer has a shortcut on Windows Desktops. Use one of the three methods shown below to bring up its interface.
From a connected session:
Method 1 - from the system tray
- Look for the Desktop Agent icon in the system tray:
- Click on the icon to bring up the interface.
Method 2 - from the start menu's Tehama folder
- Open the start menu.
- Scroll down to the
folder. You will see theWorkspace Agent
within the folder. - Click on it to bring up the interface.
Method 3 - from the start menu's search
- Open the start menu.
- Type
Workspace Agent
in the start menu's search bar. - Click on the "Workspace Agent" result to bring up the interface.
If your organization is participating in the Tehama Tools rollout, see the note below for a fourth alternative.
(A second Windows-based desktop type, the Workspace Desktop, exists but is approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Desktops of this type in Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from Tehama by October 1st 2022. If you have a Workspace Desktop and need to start the Desktop Agent on it, you can find the instructions in Workspace Desktops (Legacy).)
For Desktops of type 'Linux Desktops':
From a connected session:
Method 1 - from the applications menu's utilities folder
- Open the applications menu.
- Navigate to
applications -> utilities
. You will see theWorkspace Agent
in the list of utilities. - Click on it to bring up the interface.
Method 2 - from the applications menu's search
- Open the applications menu.
- Type
Workspace Agent
in the menu's search bar. - Click on the "Workspace Agent" result to bring up the interface.
If your organization is participating in the Tehama Tools rollout, see the note below for a third alternative.
Access to Desktop/Workspace Agent through Tehama Tools
Certain organizations may be selected to participate in the rollout of a new Tehama feature called Tehama Tools. Users of Desktops in these organizations will see a shortcut on their Desktops for a new application called 'Tehama Tools' that is part of the Tehama Tools feature. This application is a container within which Tehama places tools to make the Desktop user's life easier. The Desktop/Workspace Agent, whose interface provides access to a number of tools, can be accessed from within Tehama Tools.
If your Desktop belongs to one of the organizations participating in the rollout of Tehama Tools, you may click on the Agent from within the 'Tehama Tools' application to bring up its interface.
Contact Tehama Support for more information about Tehama Tools.
View a Desktop's status
All members of a Room that have been assigned a Desktop in the Room can view the status of that Desktop.
You need to be assigned to a Desktop to see its status.
- Locate the entry for the Desktop for which you want to view the status in the Tehama Web UI.
- Look for the status icon for the entry under the Status column.
For Desktops of type 'Windows Desktops' and 'Linux Desktops':
You can see the status icon in the Desktop's entry:
- building:
indicates the Desktop has not yet completed building - available:
indicates you can connect to the Desktop - restarting:
indicates the Desktop is restarting - note that if you are viewing the status at the time when the Desktop is restarted from a connected session, then you will need to reload the page in order to see the ‘restarting’ status - Error:
indicates an error in the Desktop, the tooltip provides more info
(A second Windows-based desktop type, the Workspace Desktop, exists but is approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Desktops of this type in Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from Tehama by October 1st 2022. The status icons in a Workspace Desktop are different from those found here. If you have a Workspace Desktop, you can find a description of its status icons in Workspace Desktops (Legacy).)
Desktop Networking Requirements
VPN clients
Tehama does not provide support for third-party software running on a Tehama Desktop, such as VPN clients.
Each Tehama Desktop, under-the-hood, communicates to its Room infrastructure through a reserved subnet. (If you require specific details of this subnet, please contact Tehama Support).
Be aware that certain VPN configurations will interfere with this communication, interrupting Tehama communication and resulting in service degradation or worse.
If you have configured a VPN client, Tehama Support will only be given to Desktops in the state where the VPN client is not connected. All other VPN troubleshooting should be done between the users of the Tehama Desktop and the owner of the VPN endpoint.
Desktop Software Limitations
Users with Desktops that have desktop admin rights enabled, are able to install and configure software on their Desktops.
When installing and configuring software on your Desktop, be aware that Tehama reserves access to certain ports that it requires for communication with your Desktop. Do not use or block the following ports:
Tehama Reserved Ports: | |||
Port | Port Number | Direction | Description |
TCP | 443 | In | Client Authentication |
TCP | 4172 | In | PCoIP Session Establishment |
UDP | 4172 | In and Out | PCoIP Session Data |
TCP | 60443 | In | Connection Broker Communication |
TCP | 443 | Out | Cloud Licensing |
Supported Desktop Specifications/Images by Region
Currently, all specifications/images for Windows Desktops and Linux Desktops are available in all the Amazon regions where Tehama provisions Rooms, with the following exceptions:
No exceptions exist at this time.
You can find a list of AWS regions where Tehama provisions Rooms in the Room Regions section of the Rooms User Guide.
You can view the region for a Room in the View a Room's region section of the Room/Desktop Connectivity - Types, Status and Settings guide.
(A second Windows-based desktop type, the Workspace Desktop, exists but is approaching end of life. It is not possible to create Desktops of this type in Rooms created after March 1st 2022. They will be completely removed from Tehama by October 1st 2022. The supported Desktop specifications/images by region for Workspace Desktops are different from those found here. If you have a Room created before March 1st 2022 that is still capable of creating Workspace Desktop templates, consider creating a Windows Desktop template instead. If that is not possible, you can find the list of supported Desktop specifications/images for Workspace Desktops in Workspace Desktops (Legacy).)