DIA is a systems and device management SaaS for Tehama Desktop devices, with features for
monitoring, troubleshooting, and gathering intelligence across remote devices.
DIA Agent Deployment and Installation:
To deploy DIA, administrators and users in your organization will require:
- The tenant name (example): example.dia.tehama.io
- The device registration code (example): 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678
The device registration Code is available on the Downloads page:
Please note that the device registration code and tenant name are not checked and will be stored as-is.
The DIA Agent will fail to connect if they are not correct.
DIA Setup Scripts:
Our Technical Support Team has created some scripts to simplify and automate Tehama DIA
installation, re-installation, removal, as well as staging DIA for the Custom Image process.
Just in Time Installation
The DIA Agent Manager can be installed and registered instantly from the terminal (below), replacing your device registration code and tenant name where applicable below:
- Download DIA-Install.sh
- Please open up a Konsole window, and navigate to the Downloads folder: ~/Downloads
Fetch the Reinstall Script
wget -v -O DIA-Install.sh https://help.tehama.io/hc/en-ca/article_attachments/26426315872788/DIA-Install.sh
Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x DIA-Install.sh
Install DIA on your Linux host (replacing the tenant name and registration code as necessary)
sudo ./DIA-Install.sh <tenant>.dia.tehama.io <registration-code>
For example: sudo ./DIA-reinstall.sh acme.dia.tehama.io 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678
Please note that the device registration code and tenant name are not checked and will be stored as-is. The DIA Agent will fail to connect if they are not correct.
Prepare DIA for Custom Imaging
The DIA Agent Manager can be prepared for imaging from the command line, replacing your
device registration code and tenant name where applicable below:
- Download DIA-Image-Prep.sh
- Please open up a Konsole window, and navigate to the Downloads folder: ~/Downloads
Fetch the Custom Image Preparation Script
wget -v -O DIA-Image-Prep.sh https://help.tehama.io/hc/en-ca/article_attachments/26426315873812/DIA-Image-Prep.sh
Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x DIA-Image-Prep.sh
Prepare DIA for a custom image (replacing the tenant name and registration code as necessary)
sudo ./DIA-Image-Prep.sh <tenant> <registration code>
For example: sudo ./DIA-reinstall.sh acme.dia.tehama.io 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678
Please note that the device registration code and tenant name are not checked and will be stored as-is. The DIA Agent will fail to connect if they are not correct.
DIA will not be activated until the next Tehama Desktop session has started. Once prepared for imaging, please log out of the Tehama desktop and request the Custom Image. Information on Custom Imaging can be found here
Re-install DIA
DIA could have been wrongly installed, and needs to be re-installed, this can be achieved by replacing your device registration code and tenant name where applicable below:
- Download DIA-reinstall.sh (CLI Instructions Below)
- Please open up a Konsole window, and navigate to the Downloads folder: ~/Downloads
Fetch the Reinstall Script
wget -O DIA-reinstall.sh https://help.tehama.io/hc/en-ca/article_attachments/26420225590292/DIA-reinstall.sh
Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x DIA-reinstall.sh
Re-Install DIA on your Linux host (replacing the tenant name and registration code as necessary)
sudo ./DIA-reinstall.sh <tenant>.dia.tehama.io <registration-code>
For example: sudo ./DIA-reinstall.sh acme.dia.tehama.io 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678
Please note that the device registration code and tenant name are not checked and will be stored as-is. The DIA Agent will fail to connect if they are not correct.
Remove DIA
If a complete un-installation of DIA is desired, please follow the below steps:
- Download remove-DIA.sh
- Please open up a Konsole window, and navigate to the Downloads folder: ~/Downloads
Fetch the Removal Script
wget -O DIA-remove-DIA.sh https://help.tehama.io/hc/en-ca/article_attachments/26420225583252/remove-DIA.sh
Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x remove-DIA.sh
Remove DIA completely from your Linux Host
sudo ./remove-DIA.sh
This will completely un-install DIA, and delete all the accompanying files/folders
A Word on Device Registration
To successfully connect a DIA Agent to the DIA Console, the following information is required:
- Tenant name:
- the Automated DIA Setup Utility requires only the Tenant Name (not the full web URL)
- eg: acme
- Command Line DIA installation requires the full URL
- eg: acme.dia.tehama.io
- the Automated DIA Setup Utility requires only the Tenant Name (not the full web URL)
- Device registration code
- Unique to each tenant (found on the Downloads page)
The tenant name and device registration code are stored in:
- /usr/local/avacee/sip_agent/settings.json
In addition, a Unique Device Access Token is automatically generated upon your initial DIA connection. This Device Access Token identifies the host on the DIA console. The DeviceAccessToken.txt is stored in
- /usr/local/avacee/sip_agent/cachefiles